~ Philippians 2.1-2  


Three speakers holding cards stand facing the audience.  The cards are in the following order:


(1) The Body                      (2)  We Are                       (3)  Of Christ


Each one speaks in turn about the particular form of worship which they personally want to see in the church.  The others look horrified and put their fingers to their ears.  (If incense happens to be mentioned they hold their noses)




Speaker 1         I personally would like to see more liturgical dance in our worship on Sunday.  It is traditional, ancient, scriptural, and I am lifted in spirit whenever I see it done well.  I remember how Miriam and the Jewish women took up their tambourines and celebrated in dance at the miraculous deliverance of the Israelites as they crossed the Red Sea.  In the Psalms we are called to worship God by dancing.  It was quite common for Jewish men to praise God and celebrate certain festivals in dance.




Three such speeches can be prepared, e.g. incense, evensong, guitars in church, use of spiritual gifts etc. but we invite you (the reader) to write each one so that it is truly from the heart.

When all three have delivered their speeches unsuccessfully to each other, an onlooker is moved to give an opinion like the one below.


Onlooker:          No, you’ve got it all wrong!  You’re not in harmony with one another.  Something is not quite right, perhaps it’s the way you relate to each other, or the way you are standing.  You can begin by taking your fingers out of your ears.  Take those nasty looks off your faces and try to listen to each other.  Try to see each other’s point of view.



They begin to do just that, they listen and discuss their worship ideas properly, whilst moving into the correct positions so that the cards read “WE ARE THE BODY OF CHRIST”.  Each card holder reads out what their card says, then they all agree and say together in a loud voice “We ARE the body of Christ”.