Kaleidoscope of Characters - Page 3 of 4
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25. A Still Small Voice | 26. Naaman was a Fighting Man | 27. Hezekiah the King | 28. If my people | 29. Ezra the scribe | 30. Nehemiah Rebuilds the Wall | 31. Good Queen Esther | 32. Job from Uz| 33. Psalm 1: Blessed is the Man | 34. Psalm 23 for Toddlers | 35. The Rivers of Babylon | 36. Isaiah the Prophet
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25. A Still Small Voice
Taken from the Old Testament story of the 'Still Small Voice'; the song is set to the traditional tune "Hey Diddle Diddle".
This song reminds me of Psalm 46, where chaos reigns all around, until a voice is heard which says, 'Be still and know that I am God'.
Here Elijah experiences exactly that. He is hiding in a cave, afraid for his life.
The Wicked king and queen are still seeking to have him killed;
but then he senses a still small voice and he knows God is still with him.
1 Kings 19.11-13
26 Naaman was a Fighting Man
Taken from the Old Testament story of Naaman the leper; It's called 'Naaman Was a Fighting Man'
and the song is set to the traditional tune "Pop Goes the Weasel".
The song is about God healing Naaman, a Syrian Commander, from his leprosy,
through the advice of the prophet Elisha, who tells him to bathe in the River Jordan seven times.
Naaman's pride almost prevents him from claiming his healing, but he relents, bathes and is cleansed.
2 Kings 5.
27 Hezekiah the King
Taken from the Old Testament story about a king of Judah, who trusted God and was faithful to him;
It's called'Hezekiah the King''and the song is set to the traditional tune "Bobby Bingo".
If listeners don't know how to spell Hezekiah, they will by the end of the song.
2 Kings 20.1-11
28 If My People
Taken from an Old Testament quotation from 2 Chronicles, which is set to the traditional tune "I Come From Alabama".
This song teaches that when God witholds his blessing from a nation because of the sinfulness of its people,
all they must do to win God's favour once more, is to repent and turn to him once more.
He promises to listen to them and forgive their sins, but the repentance must be real and come from the heart.
29 Ezra the Scribe
Taken from the Old Testament story of Ezra the Scribe; the song is set to the traditional tune "Miss Polly Had a Dolly".
Ezra plays an important role in the return of the Jews to their homeland at the end of 70 years of captivity in a foreign land.
The truth of God's word is important to him, and he makes it known once he arrives in Jerusalem
and finds his people have wandered far from God, and are ignorant about his laws.
The people are cut to the heart when they hear.
Ezra 7.1-10 & Nehemiah 8.1-18
30 Nehemiah Rebuilds the Walls
Taken from the Old Testament story of Nehemiah who took on the responsibilty of repairing the walls and gates of the city of Jerusalem,
which had fallen into ruins;like Ezra he has been troubled about his people who seem far from God and his rule in their lives,
and he too responds with much prayer and fasting.
The song is called'Nehemiah Rebuilds the Walls'and the song is set to the traditional tune "If You're Happy and You Know It".
Nehemiah Chapters 1-5
31 Good Queen Esther
Taken from the Old Testament story of Esther.
It's called 'Good Queen Esther.' The song can be sung in a round, being set to the traditional tune "London's Burning".
King Ahasuerus has just set aside his disobedient wife, Queen Vashti, and many beautiful maidens are brought to the king's palace so the king can select another wife.
Esther is the most beautiful of them all. She is a Jewess, a fact unknown to the king, and when her people, the Jews, are in danger,
she plucks up her courage to approach the king on their behalf.
Esther Chapter 2
32 Job from Uz
Taken from the Old Testament story of Job; It's called' Job From Uz (nothing to do with Oz) 'and is set to the traditional tune "Do You Know the Muffin Man".
This song is about a long suffering man called Job, who despite his agony in losing everything he holds dear, never lays the blame at God's feet.
But he has many deep questions to ask about suffering and pain, before he discovers God's blessing once more.
The Book of Job
33 Psalm1: Blessed is the Man
Taken from the Old Testament book of Psalms.
This song was inspired by Psalm 1, and is called 'Blessed is the Man'; the music is my own.
The Psalm paints a vivid picture of a tree in full bloom, standing near a river, and likens this to a person who trusts in God and keeps his laws.
Not so the wicked who are blown this way and that like chaff, (the rubble that falls from wheat when it is harvested and is thrown on the fire).
Psalm 1
34 Psalm 23 for Toddlers
Taken from the Old Testament book of Psalms.
This song was inspired by Psalm 23, the most famous of all the psalms.
It is specially adapted for young children, so they can understand how God cares for his people like a shepherd;
yet the words of the Psalm are also spoken within it, so the children can become familiar with them each time they listen.
It is set to the traditional tune 'Head and Shoulders'.
Psalm 23
35 The Rivers of Babylon
Taken from the Old Testament book of Psalms.
This song was inspired by Psalms 137 and is called 'The Rivers of Babylon'.
It is set to the traditional tune "Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush".
This song is a lament, and tells of a time when the Jewish people have been captured and taken away from their precious homeland.
Jerusalem has been destroyed, and the people sit crying by the rivers of Babylon, mourning their loss.
Psalm 137
36 Isaiah the Prophet
Taken from the Old Testament story of the prophet Isaiah;
It's called 'Isaiah the Prophet'and the song is set to the traditional tune "The Blaydon Races".
As a young man, Isaiah sees a vision of God and his angels in the temple one day;
only then does he realise just how sinful he's become.
He repents and offers to be God's messenger to speak out His truth to His people .
Isaiah 6.1-8