Parable of the Unmerciful Servant Drama

  The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant Puppet Drama:Matthew 18:23-35  

Narrator:The kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts

                 with his servants,” said Jesus.


Master:  Hey, ten thousand bags of gold you owe me, what have you to say?


Servant 1: Show mercy to me, my dear Lord, right now I cannot pay!


Master:  Guards take his wife and children, and go without delay,

              Sell them all, recoup my loss, my debt must be repaid!


Servant 1: Be patient Master, wait a while; I’ll pay all that I owe,

               I’ll soon repay my debt to you, have pity, let me go!


Narrator: So the master took pity on his servant, cancelled all his debt and

               let him go. But when the servant went out, he found one of his

               fellow servants who owed him a hundred golden coins,

               and grabbed him and began choking him.


 Servant 1: Hey you! One hundred bags of gold you owe me, I want it today!

                  So cough it up and hand it over, what have you to say?


Servant 2: Be patient Master, wait a while; I’ll pay all that I owe,

               I’ll soon repay my debt to you, have pity, let me go!


Narrator: But he refused! Instead he had the man thrown into prison until

                he could pay the debt. The other servants were enraged, and told

               the master all that had happened, so he sent for him.


Master:  You wicked servant, I let you off, because you begged me to.

               Could you not too have shown some mercy, just as I showed you?


Narrator: In anger his master handed him over to the jailers to be tortured,

                 until he should pay back all that he owed. “This is how my heavenly

                 Father will treat each of you,” said Jesus, “ unless you forgive your

                  brother or sister from the heart.

© Sheila Hamil April  2014