Listen With Mother

  all about peer pressure

 (Being part of a gang is very common in today’s world, especially in big cities, and peer pressure is a real force to be reckoned with, that is if a leader takes us in the wrong direction.


The Story of Sydney Sheep

Costumes for the lambs is optional, a hairband with fluffy ears attached will do.


Narrator:  Good morning children.  Are you sitting comfortably?  Then I’ll begin.  Do you want to come with me and have a peep in Farmer Barley’s fields?  You’ll see some lovely little lambs playing there, in the meadows, by the river.

If you look very carefully you’ll see Sydney, he is much bigger and stronger that all the others.  He has quite a little gang with him.  Can you see them all talking?  One lamb looks quite the odd one out.  He’s just returned from the shearers.  His name is Shorn.  I wonder what Sydney and his friends are planning to do?


Sydney:  Let’s go to the BAAAAR!

Others:  Oooh do you really think we should Sydney?

Sydney:  Well I wool if you wool, divven’t be sheepish man.

Others:  YEAH…………

Shorn:  You mutton do that Sydney.

Sydney:  Drop dead!


Narrator:  Do you see how they drink so sweetly down by the White Swan.  Aah here come the female lambs.  (Gymnastic lambs bounce in).


Sydney:  Where are ewes going?

Girls:  We’re going to gambol in the fields, are ewes coming too?  (they skip off to play cards).

Sydney:  (to friends)  Well I wool if you wool, divven’t be so sheepish man.

Others:  YEAH………

Shorn:  You mutton do that Sydney.

Sydney:  Drop dead!


Narrator:  My, what are they doing now, what are they up to, these dear little lambs?


Sydney:  Oh I’m bored stiff and I’ve got no money left, let’s fleece him (points to a lamb passing by)

Others:  Oooh do you really think we should Sydney?

Sydney:  Well I wool if you wool, divven’t be so sheepish man.

Others:  YEAH…………

Shorn:  You mutton do that Sydney.

Sydney:  Drop dead!            


Narrator:  And where are they off to now?  Ah the little dears are climbing all over Farmer Bailey’s jeep, he won’t be pleased if he sees them


Sydney:  Right, this is what we’ll do, we’ll go on a ‘RAM’ raid.

Others:  Oooh do you really think we should Sydney?

Sydney:  Well I wool if you wool, divven’t be so sheepish man.

Others:  YEAH

Shorn:  You mutton do that Sydney.

Sydney:  Drop dead!


Narrator:  Oh dear Farmer Barley seems to have forgotten to put his handbrake on and the jeep is rolling away with the lambs inside.  Oh thank goodness, it’s stopped.  They’re all quite safe and sound.  The jeep could have gone into the river. They could have been killed!


Sydney:  Aa’ve got a great idea who’s joining me this time?

Others:  We are!

Sheep 1:  What’s your idea this time Sydney?

Sydney:  Let’s all jump in the river.

Others:  Oooh do you really think we should Sydney?

Sydney:  Well I wool if you wool, divven’t be so sheepish man.

Others:  YEAH

Shorn:  You mutton do that Sydney!  SPLASH (They all drown) Oh dear, Sydney and the others have gone to greener pastures!


Narrator:  I’m afraid it’s not a very nice ending to the story this week children.  I’m terrible sorry!  But do remember, don’t let anyone pull the wool over your eyes!  Don’t be tempted to follow the crowd just for the sake of it. 

Think first - is it right?  Is it safe?  Will it hurt someone? 

Make your own decisions about your life - like Sydney and the others you’ve only got one – so make the most of it.

Oh do let’s go back in time shall we?  I hate sad endings.

(All move backwards in time out of the river, in slow motion, and back up to the river bank)


Sydney:  Let’s all jump in the river!

Shorn and the others:  Oh we mustn’t do that Sydney!

Sydney:  (Shocked)  Eh, why not?

Shorn and the others:  Because we can’t swim, and what you’re suggesting is not a very good idea!

Sydney:  OK let’s all go and listen to the rest of the assembly instead.



Joshua 1:6  Be strong and very courageous, being careful to act in accordance with all the law that my servant Moses commanded you; do not turn from it to the right or the left, so that you may be successful wherever you go.