I have a healing for you
Lyrics and Chords
I have a healing for you From the album, ‘Stir into Flame’
Just as Jesus called Peter out of the boat in order to walk on the water, so he calls us to have the courage to come to him and trust
him to give us the future He wants for us. This song was written for someone special.
Chorus: G D G . . .
G G7 C G
Look at me, straight at me, for I the Lord am he,
Am D D7
And I’m calling you to come to me.
G G7 C G
Walk on waters of faith, keep looking at my face,
D7 G
For I have a healing for you.
Bm C
What is it, what can I do for you?
G Am D D7
For I long to give you wholeness,
G G7 C G
Don’t look back, don’t despair, and please don’t turn away.
D7 G
For I long to light a flame in your heart. Chorus
You my child are worthy of my love, can’t you see I long to forgive,
By my blood shed for you, I’ll cleanse you through and through
So I plead, believe in me. Chorus
Well my child, what can I do for you? For I long to bring you wholeness.
Then wrapped in my arms, I’ll keep you safe from harm,
And we’ll walk through storms as one. Chorus
Vocalist: Margaret Scott
©1985 Sheila Hamil