The Light of the World
(Resource Pack 14) KEY STAGE 2 & 3
VISUAL AID: A Special 'hand-made' Christmas Jigsaw
People in the bible who could tell of God’s purposes for the world, and speak with words from Him, were called prophets. Many of them spoke of a Messiah who was going to visit the world…
These are some of the things they said…(read them out from the back of the jigsaw pieces) He shall be called Emmanuel, Mighty God, Prince of Peace…they shall look on the one whom they pierced…not a bone of his will be broken etc.,
These all came true in one person… Jesus Christ.
Invite two children to complete the jigsaw, at a table at the back of the hall. (Prepare them beforehand, because they will be working on a board, which needs to be turned over at the end, using a flat board. They can do the jigsaw easily because each piece is numbered on the back: show them the plan)
Mean while tell the story.
The Williams family were all very keen on jigsaws…the more difficult the better.
Once while working in his office, the father came up with a great idea.
On his wall was a large cardboard map of the world, with many huge areas of blue, green and brown. He reasoned with himself, that if he cut it up with his fretsaw, into small pieces, it would keep his family occupied for ages as a jigsaw.
His seven-year old daughter was first to accept the challenge.
Off she went to her room, and the father smiled, knowing it would take her weeks to do.
However that evening over supper she said, ‘By the way dad, I’ve finished the jigsaw you gave me this afternoon!’
‘That’s impossible!’ said her father. ‘How could you have made sense of all those different colours so quickly?’
‘That’s easy,’ she replied. ‘On the reverse side of the map, there was a picture of a man. All I did was put him together, and the world just fitted into place.
If only we could do something about our own faults, we could begin to solve some of the world's problems.
Invite the two children to bring the finished jigsaw, and show the others the finished picture of ‘The Light of the World’.
Jesus is the one who came to put us together, and make this world a better place.