There was a family in the mining town in which I live called Chatt. There was a mother and father and an adopted son.

     Tommy was the father and he worked at the local 'pit'. He was the bread winner while his wife looked after the home and the bringing up of their three year old son.

     Over a period of time they noticed their son had developed a limp which was becoming more and more obvious with time. Eventually it was decided that a visit to the doctors was necessary.

    In those days in was the mother who dealt the with child's medical problems. So off to the doctors they went and were informed that it was a minor 'growing' problem which would put itself right.

       The child continued to limp and a couple of more visits were made by mother and son to see the doctor. Over the months there was no change and the son showed no signs of pain or discomfort.

        Mrs Chatt decided that the next visit to the doctors would be an all male affair with Tommy taking some responsibility. She was becoming embarrassed with having made so many visits.

       Tommy and son visited the surgery and waited patiently to be called. When their turn came around they walked into the doctors office side by side. The doctor immediately, on seeing them said to Tommy 'I know what is wrong with your son…he just wants to be like his daddy'

          Tommy Chat had lost his leg in a mining accident and wore a false leg which made him walk with a limp. His son, like many children, looked up to his father and just wanted to be like him.  


 Author : Bob Hamil