A Baptism Service for Children
(. . . with doll)
(Resource Pack 79 ) KEY STAGE 1
VISUAL AID: The Baptism Pack: hats, doll, shawl & shell... Have visual SYMBOLS* of baptism nearby: container of water, a candle/matches, oil, white shawl and a cross.
Welcome everyone, nice to see you… to see you nice!
Jesus told us that to enter into heaven, we must be born again of water and the spirit.
This is why Mr and Mrs Smith have brought their baby today to be baptised in water.
And your godparents are? (They choose three friends)
A reading from the bible:
Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them.’
Mr and Mrs Smith, do you want your baby baptised?
Response: We do
Will you pray for your baby, and set a good example yourselves.
We will
First will you answer three questions?
1 Will you always walk through life with Jesus to light your way,
living a good life loving God and loving other people?
2 Are you sorry for all the things you've ever done wrong?
3 Will you say ‘No’ in the future to things that are wrong or bad?
Response: We will
Let us pray:
Father God please bless this water. (* WATER)
Will you say after me: We believe in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Name this child: (The children decide on a name for their baby)
If this were a real baby I would say…
N I baptise you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
Now we will wrap the baby in a shawl (* WHITE CLOTHING)
I give you a sign of the cross. (parents are invited to also draw a sign of the cross on the baby's face) (*OIL/* CROSS)
I give you the light of Christ, so you won’t ever have walk in darkness. (*LIGHTED CANDLE)
...container of water, a lighted candle, oil, white clothing and a cross.
A symbol is something we can actually see, which has a hidden meaning
In that small service of baptism there were FIVE symbols. !
WATER...washes clean...refreshes. Jesus himself was baptised.(John 1.29-34)
We live a new life, the end of the old one. (down into the water and up again)
It's like being born a second time and coming out into the light
LIGHT ...brings hope and joy and happiness and comfort so we must be a light to others...as Jesus is to us. (John 8.12)
Jesus said, "I am the Light of the world. He who follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.
OIL...used to welcome new prophets , priests and kings. It is also used for healing, making people whole again. (1 Peter 2.9-10)
WHITE CLOTHING...new clothing to put on...love joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, after being washed clean. (Galatians 5.22) & Colossians 3.12)... ( see also Revelation 3.18)
CROSS...Jesus said, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. (Mark 8.34)
Use a large letter 'I' and cross it out with a small capital letter 'I' to show a crossing out of ourselves. Form these into the shape of a cross.
Question Time