The Mister Men Make Poverty History
Make Poverty History
This sketch was put together by the lay folk at the Church of the Good Shepherd, Battlehill, Wallsend. It's a novel way of putting over a serious message. Most appropriate for family services…the idea is taken from a TV programme, called Question Time.
Little Miss Wise is in the Chair – with : Mr Greedy : Mr Muddle : Mr Nonsense
LMW invites the first question from the floor…(names the person)
Q Does the panel think that World Leaders should rewrite the international rules and practices that govern trade, with poverty reduction and environmental protection recognized as their highest priorities?
LMW Thank you ____________ - Mr Nonsense would you like to start our session off?
MN There’s nothing wrong with our international policies. But it makes sense to me that it’s a nonsense to feed people who are just going to get hungry again, if they were allowed to die with dignity there’d be less of them, and we wouldn’t have to send them anything at all!
LMW I don’t believe you just said that Mr Nonsense …What do you have to say Mr Muddle?
MM Well you know I never have much to say, and what I do say is short, sharp and to the point - but in this case I’m really stumped! I’m not sure whether I agree with Mr Nonsense or not – I mean should we or shouldn’t we – is hunger really such an issue – do we need to help all those people who live thousands of miles away - or don’t we. Yes (thoughtfully)…um or no! -
Well that’s where I stand – well I think it’s where I stand… (LMW interrupts …
LMW Thank you Mr Muddle – short and sweet and clear as mud as usual – Well now Mr Greedy what’s your opinion on the question?
MG Poverty reduction, environmental protection, hm difficult … hunger – now hunger’s something I do know about – I’m always hungry – I just have to see food and my tummy starts rumbling and once I start, I just can’t stop eating – I’m sure I know more about hunger than anyone else in the world – and as long as I have enough to eat – well I think that’s fine - there’s more than enough done to help everyone else! I don’t think we need to change a thing.
LMW Thank you panel – interesting discussion although I’m not sure that the person who posed the question would agree –
It seems to me that if we don’t help by putting pressure on the rich governments and the World Trade Organisation things will never change and if it doesn’t - then in the poorest countries one child will continue to die every 30 seconds due to poverty.
Pause …
Now for our next question from the floor (names the person)
Q Does the panel think that if changes in policy favouring poor nations are made, this will mean UK workers will lose their jobs?
LMW Thank you ____________ - Mr Greedy – how do you feel about this?
MG Well there are bound to be job losses if we allow poor countries to sell their goods here – but wait a minute, it might mean that some of those goods might be cheaper – so that might not be so bad. I would be able to have more of – everything.
LMW Mr Nonsense – what do you think?
MN Of course we shouldn’t change policies in favour of poor nations – that would be a nonsense it would mean they would be as well off as us – and be able to look after themselves properly and use all the things we need – what would happen to us then I’d like to know. It’s nonsense to even suggest we should do such a thing.
LMW Another interesting viewpoint Mr Nonsense - Now Mr Muddle a word from you – and I mean a word!
MM Oh dear – just the one – well now – introduce policies that would mean poor countries could favour their own producers at home instead of buying the things we make here – well I don’t know, should we or shouldn’t we; would it work or wouldn’t it be a good idea – that’s the question…
LMW Yes Mr Muddle that’s just about what was asked.
MM Would it mean job losses here because we wouldn’t be exporting goods? Would it damage our export industry? Oh dear… it would be so much less of a muddle if we left things as they are – wouldn’t it!
LMW Well job losses could happen and it would be devastating if yours were the one to go. But there could also be new jobs and the people who would be earning a living from these would no doubt have just as much need of them.
And the changes that might be made could also mean that the poor countries would have more money to spend and contribute to the global economy.
And now for our final question (names the person)
Q There is only so much to share out – does the panel think that if the Third World is going to be richer, then we have to become poorer?
LMW Thank you ______________ - Mr Muddle would you like to start us off on this final question – and I will have to hurry you as our time is running out!
MM What can I say, It’s so confusing: wealth, poverty – theirs ours – who gets what. Who gets something, who gets nothing … it’s all such a muddle – I don’t know about you but I think it’s too much trouble to even start to try to tackle it…
LMW I’m afraid I’ll have to cut you short Mr Muddle – now then Mr Greedy …
MG Well it certainly seems likely that we’d become poorer don’t you think – how can we possibly keep our standard of living if poorer countries are taking a share of our wealth. It’s sheer greed – that’s what it is – what do they think they’re doing. What’s mine is mine and definitely not theirs.
LMW Now we come finally to you Mr Nonsense
MN Well I think the whole of this session has been nonsense – I don’t know why we’ve even been discussing the question of ‘Making Poverty History’ -
there is no question as far as I am concerned as to what we should not do! We, the richest countries in the world should certainly not share our wealth with the poorest – they wouldn’t know what to do with it – wouldn’t use it properly. It’s a nonsense to even suggest it.
LMW Well, - children: ladies: and gentlemen we’ve come to the end of today’s edition of Make Poverty History Question Time.
And I feel I must say that the opinions expressed by our panel today are entirely their own and not shared by anyone else - I hope.
This has certainly been an experience – one, I hope for me, never to be repeated.
Come back David Dimbleby – all is forgiven!