
  My life and faith story

(Illustration: Statue of Christ by Josefina de Vasconcellos, in St Andrew's Church, Greystoke, Cumbria, England UK)


( Sample: )

Click onto Foreword, Introduction, Author's Note and Chapter 1 

Chapter 2:  I am born

Chapter 3My love of music at a very early age      

Chapter 4Home, sweet home

Chapter 5Missing toys and dangerous games        

Chapter 6: Awe and wonder

Chapter 7School days are the happiest days

Chapter 8From the old things to the new

Chapter 9:  Brownies and guides

Chapter 10Mam and dad

Chapter 11My holidays and days out

 Chapter 12Tears and fears

Chapter 13Our new home

Chapter 14What? A new best friend   

Chapter 15Salvete omnes!

Chapter 16Highlights of those first few years

Chapter 17How the mighty have fallen (2 Sam 1.19)

Chapter 18Unless I see the nailprints . . .(John 20.25)

Chapter 19:  You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you meet your prince

Chapter 20Behind the round window

Chapter 21Bellingham International  Camp,  Part One: (a love story)

Chapter 22Bellingham International Camp: Part Two (activities)

Chapter 23College life begins

Chapter 24Why does a God of love permit suffering?

Chapter 25Ponteland, my second year at college

Chapter 26Our wedding

Chapter 27A teacher at last

Chapter 28:   Charismatic Movement

Chapter 29:   From this moment on

Chapter 30Speakers' Corner

Chapter 31David Watson

Chapter 32Our first child is born.

Chapter 33Stephen

 Chapter 34Sarah 

Chapter 35Peter 

Chapter 36United Folk : Part One: (the early years)

Chapter 37United Folk :  Part Two: (what kept us 'folk' united)

Chapter 38Nana Abernethy

Chapter 39:  St Peter's C of E Middle School 

Chapter 40Norwegian holidays

Chapter 41Central Middle School

Chapter 42Called to Serve

Chapter 43St Luke's Parish Church,  Wallsend

Chapter 44The ordination of women to the priesthood

Chapter 45Moving on

Chapter 46Ireland 1999

Chapter 47Knowing me, knowing you

Chapter 48Slipping through my fingers

Chapter 49:  Where do I go from here?

Chapter 50Paradise on earth

Chapter 51:   Leaping into the unknown

Chapter 52:  Ups and downs (That's life!)

Chapter 53Asylum

 Chapter 54Godly Play

Chapter 55Golden Days and Friendly Faces

 Chapter 56:  I'm sorry!

Chapter 57:   Luke,  our first grandchild

Chapter 58:  What can one person do?

Chapter 59:   A third interregnum

Chapter 60 School assemblies

Chapter 61Katie: our premature granddaughter

Chapter 62Taking a breather

Chapter 63 St John's, Kingston Park, and a different kind of outreach

Chapter 64:   Holiday clubs at St John's Kingston Park

Chapter 65Quo Vadis

Chapter 66:  To Do Nothing is a choice

Chapter 67: Mr Figueiredo

Chapter 68Leah ( L.E.A.H. Love Everything About Her)

 Chapter 69:  Peter and Amanda are married

Chapter 70A mother's love

Chapter 71There but for fortune go you and I

Chapter 72Let your light shine

Chapter 73:  Two Sons

Chapter 74Daniel and Jake

Chapter 75:  Kaleidoscope of Characters

Chapter 76A clearer perspective 

Chapter 77A 'Manchester United' baptism

Chapter 78Pearls of Great Price

Chapter 79:  Keeping in touch

Chapter 80A visit to the Holy Land (Part 1)

Chapter 81:  A visit to the Holy Land (Part 2)

Chapter 82Jack Stephen Hamil

Chapter 83:  Radio Tyneside and 'New Day Dawning'

Chapter 84Meltdown

Chapter 85The Dusky Thrush

Chapter 86:   Music, music, music!

Chapter 87The U.S.A.

Chapter 88Krakow

Chapter 89:  Church of the Good Shepherd, Battlehill

Chapter 90Hide and seek

Chapter 91:  Baptisms on Holy Island

Chapter 92Eye of the storm

Chapter 93Covid -19 (Part One)

Chapter 94:  Covid-19 (Part Two)

Chapter 95:  Tik Tok, trolls and trouble

Chapter 96:  Squirrelympics

Chapter 97:  The sound of silence

Chapter 98:  Wars and rumours of wars

Chapter 99:  Open mic/open hearts/open doors

Chapter 100:  What now?

 Chapter 101:  Song Index (My Old Testament Songs)

 Chapter 102:  Song Index  (My New Testament Songs)