Miracles (The Healing of the Man with Palsy)


(Resource Pack  60 & 76 )                                                                                      KEY  STAGE 2  & 3                       


Visual Aid:  Use as a visual aid, the red-hinged card in the pack, (which can be obtained from decadeministries.co.uk) It looks like 4 long thin red rulers, laid end to end, but attached to each other with paper clips. It twists into many different shapes as the story is told. e.g.  the number 4, the stretcher, a window, a door,  the stairs, the flat roof, the rope, a man dancing


As the children enter play:  ‘He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother’ : Hollies with OH ACETATES showing pictures of broken people all over the world.

See the i Witness book by Tom Stoddart for examples at the Resources Centre (above) Here on this page is a man who walks away from a hungry child, having stolen the bag of food from him.

Begin by telling the story of the Healing of the Man with Palsy. Mark 2.1-12



We can learn so much from the miracles which JESUS performed…

from our story of the healing of the man with palsy, we learn how important it is for us to play our part in supporting each other, so that God can work through us too, even today.

We hear of the miracle where Jesus turns water into wine, and multiplied loaves and fishes; these stories show us that God will provide for us in our need.

The miracle where Jesus walks on water, encouraging Peter do the same, shows us how to keep our eyes upon Jesus, and look to him for help.


All of these stories have a lesson within them.

The special things Jesus did are called miracles.


Jesus did not use magic to do these amazing things, although the things he did often seemed magical.


Instead, God gave Jesus the power to DO amazing things to help people.


Christians believe they really happened, and in some instances they believe God still works powerfully today to answer prayers. Many believe that when we pray, coincidences begin to happen.


St Theresa of Avila’s prayer…


Christ has no body now but yours

No hands, no feet on earth but yours

Yours are the eyes through which He looks

compassion on this world

Christ has no body now on earth but yours..



Who can you look out for around the school,


In your neighbour hood?


What issues will you choose to get involved with in the world?