Kaleidoscope of Characters - Introduction


This is my new music project for people of all ages (but mainly children) about characters from the Old Testament. These videos are an ideal way to learn about the Old Testament in a colourful and lively way, and are extremely useful for ministry and educational purposes. The words, available here in large print,  have been set to good old fashioned tunes, and nursery rhymes, from the early 16th Century to early 20th Century, which are so familiar with all ages. 

CD’s @ £10 and songbooks @ £1.50 are also available and can be obtained by emailing sheilahamil@googlemail.com (p&p £1.50)

This project has been a real team effort, and I would very much like to thank first of all the artists below who have helped me.

The pupils of:

Also The ‘Drawing for Pleasure’ Art Group, Ark in the Park, Gosforth, Newcastle

Brian Eapen and Harry Lisgo, from St John’s Church Kingston Park, Newcastle

Also my own grandchildren, Luke, Katie, Leah, Daniel and Jake.

I would also like to thank Andrew Ridgewick for his brilliant keyboard playing and for his production and recording skills; Gerry O Hanlon for accompanying us with his bodhran; my mother Bess Bell who very kindly funded this project, and my husband Bob Hamil who took charge of video production. I'd also like to thank my son Stephen who helps me with my website.

Terms and Conditions

All this material here on the internet is free for you to listen to and enjoy.

However if you do download any material please would you please consider giving a donation directly to one of the charities listed on the donate boxes?

Christian Aid is the first of my charities to appear here, two more are to follow soon.

None of this material must be used for publication or profit.

Please spread the word if you have enjoyed this project, and help others to access it by passing on the website link to those you know who may appreciate it.

Help it go global if you have contacts abroad!
