God’s words to Joshua

Artwork: Jo Robertson


Would you make a good leader? Give your reasons why and why not?


This song looks at the promises God made to Joshua, who became leader after Moses. Joshua was born in Goshen in the land of Egypt, and he was the son of a man called Nun. 

At the age of forty, he took charge of the people that Moses brought out of Egypt, and led them out of the desert and into the Promised Land.


God gave him two promises


a)    His people would inherit he promised land


b)    That God would always be with him and never leave him.


But there were one or two conditions to these promises. What were they? 

Read Joshua Chapter 1 verses 6-9 and make a list of them.


What else can you find out about the life of Joshua?


Act this song out to the children’s action dance, ‘In and Out Those Dusty Bluebells’. 

If you don’t know the tune, sing it to your grandparents, they’ll know, 'Dusty Bluebells' was a playground game at one time.

13 God’s words to Joshua: Joshua 1. 6-8

(to the tune ‘In and Out Those Dusty Bluebells’)


I’ll not leave you nor forsake you.


To a good land, I will take you.


If you’re brave then I’ll repay you.


I am the Master


Tippy tippy tap tap, come be bolder,


Tippy tippy tap,  lean on my shoulder,


Tippy tippy, let my arms enfold you.


I will be with you.(x2)



Keep the laws that Moses gave you,


don’t turn right or left. I pray you’ll


keep them, all for they will save you.


I am the Master.



Will you let my words enrich you?


Act them out and let them teach you?


Then success will surely reach you.


I am the Master


© words Sheila Hamil 2011
