Naaman was a Fighting Man:   2 Kings Chapter 5  (to the tune ‘Pop goes the Weasel’)

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Lyrics and Chords: G    Intro: (verse as from ‘took advice’) G D G Em -  Am  D G (Am D G)


G             D          G

Naaman was a fighting man

              D         G

and he was a leper.

             D                G             Em

Took advice when his young maid,



Am         D   G

told him of Elisha.


Elisha told him what to do,

but he wouldn’t do it.

He was proud and wouldn’t bathe,


in the river Jordan.


He was angry, but his friends

persuaded him to do it.

So he bathed and he was cured,


just as the prophet told him.


To the prophet he returned,

to show him he was grateful.

Elisha would not take his gift,


not even a plateful.


“Then I will serve no other god!”

said Naaman to Elisha.

“Go in peace,” the prophet said.


“Yes, I believe ya!”


Elisha’s servant heard all this,

the greedy rogue, Gehazi;

who followed Naaman, claimed the gift,


and became a LEPER!


© words Sheila Hamil 2011