Do Not Worry (Seek God's Kingdom First)
(Resource Pack 32) KEY STAGE 1 & 2
VISUAL AID: A magic thumb/ cloth (available from most joke shops) also a bird puppet and a large flower
Here we encourage the children not to worry, but to put their trust in God and seek to live their lives His way.
Explain that sometimes when people begin a new job or a new school they do get a little nervous.
Share some of their worries with them…'How will I ever remember everyone's name?' etc
I wonder what kind of things you all worry about?
See full script in my free assembly book: But It’s Only Nine o’ Clock In The Morning.
I wonder if your headmaster/mistress has any worries. Shall we ask him/her? (prepare him/her beforehand for this question)
I thought that this morning I'll let you into my secret about what I do with my worries.
I get out my magic cloth and my magic (invisible) pen, and I write out my worries on the cloth and give them to God in prayer.
Shall I write everyone else's down too? In the bible we are told to give God all our worries because He cares for each one of us.
So that's what I try to do. (push cloth into magic thumb and show both hands to reveal the missing cloth.)
I try not to think about them again, and let God deal with them.(get cloth out again and put away again)
In the Christian faith, Jesus tells us, "Do not worry about your life, don't worry what to wear, don't even worry about what to eat." (Luke 12vv 22-31) Let me read you a little more about what Jesus said:
He said, "Look at the birds outside. (Get out the bird puppet and make a show of it being shy and not wanting to talk to the boys and girls, invite them to tell Robby Raven their names after three…1..2..3…
After they've ll shouted their names out together, then make Robby squawk to say a little hello)
Well just look at Robby the raven. He doesn't go to the shops for food, he doesn't spend any money or plant seeds in the ground…but God feeds him because He loves him. GOD LOVES YOU EVEN MORE THAN ROBBY. (put Robby away carefully in a bag)
And here we have Lily (hold up a large lily) Can you see how beautiful she is? She didn't go to the shops for her dress, she didn't spend ages in front of the mirror putting her clothes on, she didn't even have to go to work to buy the dress, yet here she is looking even more beautiful than the queen herself.
So don't worry about your life or what to wear, because GOD LOVES YOU FAR, FAR MORE THAN LILY.
READING: Luke 12. 22-31. also 1 Peter 5v7