Two Red Butterflies
Artwork: Sheila Hamil
This song is quite ‘educational’.
Each verse contains rhyming words and opposites, different colours and creatures. Voices are challenged by key changes every second verse.
And it’s not until we get to the very last verse that we realise the song is all about Noah’s Ark, which we can read about in Genesis chapters 7 and 8.
Questions for children: How many animals of each kind did Moses take into the Ark? (A: It wasn’t Moses it was Noah!)
Which animal would you have chosen if you had been writing this song? Write the first two lines of your song?
What does this story tell us about what God feels towards his creation? (It is very precious and pleasing to him)
What does this say to us about caring for creation, especially animals?
This week, think of ideas that you could put into action, to help protect God’s beautiful world!
Try acting this song out in a mime, or even making some masks.
You could even try drawing your own filmstrip for this song.
Teachers could look up ‘Godly Play’ resources on the internet, or at their local Resources Centre.
3 Two Red Butterflies: Genesis 7.8-10
(to the tune ‘Skip to my Lou’)
Two red butterflies fluttering by,
one flew low and one flew high.
They were hurrying, want to know why?
Where were they going that morning?
Two brown monkeys caught my eye,
one was cute; the other was sly.
They were hurrying, want to know why?
Where were they going that morning?
Two grey hippos thundering by,
one was wet; the other was dry.
They were hurrying, want to know why?
Where were they going that morning?
Two yellow lions both drew nigh,
one was bold and one was shy.
They were hurrying, want to know why?
Where were they going that morning?
Two black spiders scurrying by,
one said ‘Hi!” and the other said “Bye”
They were hurrying, want to know why?
Where were they going that morning?
Two orange tigers raced on by,
one was fierce and one was kind.
They were hurrying, want to know why?
Where were they going that morning?
Two white swans went gliding by,
one was clumsy and one had style.
They were hurrying, want to know why?
Where were they going that morning?
All of the animals, great and small,
were made by God ‘cos he loved them all.
They were listening to his call
to come to the Ark that morning.
© words Sheila Hamil 2011