The Rich Man and Lazarus


The Rich Man and Lazarus: Luke 16.19-31 


A rich man dressed in purple, fine linen and in fur,

He ate from sumptuous banquets, his meals all, ‘Cordon Bleu’

He lived his life of luxury, (to him this was his fate),

Yet he ignored the poor man, who lay dying at his gate.


The dogs showed far more mercy, than the rich man ever did,

They’d come and lick the wounds of this sad old invalid.

He’d dream that scraps of food were falling from the rich man’s plate,

He woke, then died of hunger, there by the rich man’s gate.


He was carried off by angels, to be at Abr’ham’s side,

To Hades went the rich man, for that same night he died.

And as he lay in torment,  saw Abraham far away,

With Lazarus beside him, right there at heaven’s gate.


He called for a drop of water, he was burning up inside.

But a chasm lay between them, the gap was far too wide.

But Abr’ham said, “Remember, your life brought such good things,

Now this poor man’s found comfort, just hear him dance and sing.


“Then Father,” begged the rich man, “please warn my family,

If Lazarus tells my brothers, they’ll escape this agony!”

“Oh no!” said Father Abraham, “the word’s there to be read!

If they won’t heed the prophets, they won’t trust the risen dead!”


                                                                                             © Sheila Hamil 16th January 2014