Ask and It Shall Be Given
Matthew 6.6; Luke 11.11
The children are asked to do an eye test first:
x I C U M
(If they can read this chart they are invited to read out certain sentences* see BLOCK CAPITALS below, which will be held up written on large cards.
The story is based upon Matthew 6:6 and Luke 11: 11, I brought props along when I did this; a plastic scorpion too!)
Narrator: And Jesus said,"Ask and it shall be given; Seek and you will find, Knock and the door will be opened to you!
Listen all you grown ups, what if your children asked you for some
'TOAST AND MARMALADE,'? (show first card)
Children repeat with a helper: Could we have some toast & marmalade please?
Narrator: Some what?
Children: Could we have some toast and marmalade please?
Narrator; Would you then parents, give them a stone instead? Well would you?
Parents join in: 'No of course not?'
(repeat this pattern for the following)
Narrator: And what if they asked for some
'FISH & CHIPS'? (second card is shown)
Children: Could we have some fish & chips please?
Narrator: Some what?
Children: Could we have some fish & chips please?
Narrator: Would you parents then give them a snake instead?
Parents: 'No of course not!'
Narrator: 'O.K.' said Jesus. But what if your children asked for CADBURY'S CREAM EGGS'? (third card is shown)
Children: Could we have Cadbury's Cream Eggs please?
Narrator: Some what?
Children: Could we have some Cadbury's Cream Eggs please?
Narraotor: Would you then parents, give them a box of scorpions instead?
Parents: Of course not!
Narrator: 'Well then ', said Jesus. If you all know how to give what is good to YOUR children, will I not give - what is good to MINE!
For the gift of the Holy Spirit is a GOOD gift.
Now children, you won't forget this reading will you?
Children: No of course not!
OK then you may have some Cadbury's cream eggs*