The benefactors of the hospitals of Rouen

Four black marble plaques in the hall of door 5 of this Cour d'Honneur, recall in golden letters the names of the main benefactors of the Hospitals of Rouen covering a very long period from 1195 to 1935, the last year of marking. The names of famous donors are listed, as well as various lesser-known and sometimes very humble personalities: 1 king of England, 9 kings of France, Napoleon "consul", mayors of Rouen, administrators of the Hospices, former directors and bursars of the establishment, wealthy citizens of the city, employees, former pupils and even assisted children of the Hospices.

Among all these benefactors, four who helped the institution in the long term and contributed particularly to the defence of the poor deserve to be mentioned:

  • Charles III Maignart de Bernière (1616-1662): State Councillor, a convinced Jansenist and a friend of Port-Royal, he contributed mainly to the building of the Saint-Louis and Saint-Roch hospitals (the future Hôtel-Dieu, which has now become the regional prefecture), which were intended to house plague patients.

  • Laurent Le Cornu de Bimorel (? - 1669): Sieur d'Igoville, Treasurer of France in the Generalitat of Rouen, resident administrator of the "Bureau des pauvres valides" (Office for the able-bodied poor), he donated more than 100,000 ecus to the institution. Considered the father of public education in Rouen, he donated 2,500 pounds for the foundation of three free schools for poor children.

  • Abbot Jacques-Christophe de Germont (1684-1763): Clerical advisor to the Parliament of Rouen, he made very substantial donations to both the Hospice Général (30,000 livres) and the Hôtel-Dieu (14,000 livres). Very concerned about the fate of foundlings sent to foster care by the two hospitals, whose placement was often dangerous, he initiated the creation of a crèche in the faubourg Saint-Hilaire, which did not produce the expected results.

  • Cardinal Dominique de la Rochefoucauld (1713-1800): Archbishop of Rouen, Primate of Normandy, he contributed considerably to the prosperity of the Hôtel-Dieu. He was also responsible for the construction of the present-day church of the Madeleine, the foundation stone of which was laid on 27 May 1773. Finally, he contributed to the construction of the chapel of the Hospice-Général with a donation of 20,000 pounds.