The bells of Hôtel-Dieu

Two big bells are on display in the central building of Charles Nicolle hospital.These bells come from a campanile which overlooked the building known as “the clock” which was situated in the ancient Rouen Hôtel Dieu hospital of Rouen

One of these bells was cast in 1662, weighs 160 kg and is rung by means of an external hammer, it is decorated with numerous fleur-de-lis which form a perfect crown. A little coat of arms represents sainte Madeleine in profile, showing her long stretched hair and holding a book in her hands; Next to her we can see an ointment jar and a skull. The bell carries an inscription which reads:

“Each time I ring

I warn that one gives

his spirit and his heart

to Jesus his saviour”

The other bell, contemporary of the previous one, has a similar weight and carries the names of characters who were present its birth.

“I was blessed by Reverend Father Nicolas Brice, regular canon of the order of Saint Augustin, congregation of France, prior of Saint-Lô de Rouen. I was named Sainte suzanne Henriette by lord Claude Pellot…”

The inscription specifies that the bell was installed by the administrator, governor of Saint Louis Hospital known as la Santé hospital “where I was put in place in 1679”

On the clapper of the bell, there is a medallion inside which we can see 3 royal crowns. away from these crowns a virgin with child and a cross are engraved. Perpendicular to these two representations we can notice the two coats of arms of its godfather and its godmother.

finally the name of the bell founder is mentioned, it says: “Malherbe made me” .