The former presbytery

The first mention of the presbytery in 1624, describes it in the vicinity of the church, surrounded by houses. Indeed, the parish priest of Collemare, Pierre Legrain, recorded in the registers of catholicity the main events brought to his attention. So for the presbytery of Cailly " by a Friday 10th day of April about 9 to 10 a.m., the village of Cailly was burned by the bad work of a blacksmith who had ignited his forge too great, there was a great fire in Cailly as was never seen before and were burned more than 30 houses and the presbytery of that place and the vicinity of the church which caused the ruin of several of the so-called place " (History of Cailly by Hippolyte Lemard).

It is at a completely different place that it was located at the Revolution. After being assigned to meetings of the cantonal administration (the canton of Cailly created a few years earlier disappeared in 1802), and turned into a store, it was sold in 1804, in poor condition, and demolished in 1814 to make way for the present cemetery.

During this period, the serviceman of Cailly, Father Le Baillif, rented at his own expense, a house located more than a kilometer from the church, for which he complained to the Prefect in 1807.

In 1823, 21 years later, the commune was allowed to acquire Madame Gaillardon's house, on the present site, to make it a rectory.

It was occupied for nearly 60 years by Father Bréard. Apart from the construction of the walls of the garden in 1860, at the service's expense by recovering the materials of the old wall, little maintenance work was done. Thus it was in poor condition, in 1879, at the death of the abbot. Father Legris, a newcomer, wanted a rectory that lived up to his function.

The city council then hesitated, should they repair or rebuild ?

After consulting two architects, Fauquet and Dauphiné, they received two projects and chose to rebuild according to the Dauphiné project at a cost of 12,000 frs, then after consulting the entrepreneur Lefebvre of Fontaine le Bourg and changing their decision, to repair it for 6200 frs.

The Prefect then consulted the archdiocese. They gave their preference to the project of architect Fauquet, and he invited the city council to reconsider their position. On March 1, 1880, the city council persisted in the process of repair by 5 votes to 3 and one abstention.

The secretary general of the prefecture then visited the mayor, Mr. Desportes. He convinced him of the need to rebuild the building.

At the April 1880 meeting, the council unanimously decided to rebuild the presbytery according to the plans of architect Dauphiné.

The initial cost of 13600 frs was reduced by:

    • grants 4500 frs,

    • sale of materials from the old building 1100 frs

    • donations from individuals: 4000 frs by la Marquise de Neuville, 700 frs by Monsieur Esnault.

The charge for the municipality was then only 3300 frs (half of the restoration work) covered by different taxes and borrowing.

The presbytery was rebuilt in 1881, delivered at the end of 1882, and the parish priest Legris took possession of it in 1884.

The municipality sold it in 1993. It's been a private house ever since.