The Charles Nicolle hospital

For a number of years, Rouen's main hospital was located in the immediate vicinity of the cathedral.

In the 14th century, from 1348 onward,fierce episodes of plague swept the city during three centuries and patients were confined in the western part of the city in temporary lodgings before it was determined to erect a vast building in stone which was to become the new Hotel-Dieu of Rouen by the middle of the 18th century.

All along the XVI century the economy of France faltered and poverty grew. In 1534 the Parliament created a paupers 'office which aimed at coordinating the help due to at least 15% of the population. But the distribution of bread and home help didn't suffice.A new and vast building is planned which would house the poor the elderly as well as orphans while putting to work the able ones.

An area is bought in the most derelict part of the city, a swamp extending between two rivers the Robec and the Aubette bordered by the city walls and the Celestins convent. This neighborhood, at the crossroads of two streets which still exist, ( Lamauve street and Germont street) is steadily enlarged and by 1681 becomes the General Hospital rapidly housing hundreds of inmates Previous buildings with wooden facades are replaced by buildings in stone and bricks.

All along the XVIII century more land is acquired towards the East, taking in the former convent of the Celestins and areas left after the destruction of the former city walls and the creation of the new boulevard. The Revolution episode over, the Hospices civils de Rouen (the Hôtel-Dieu plus the Hôpital général) house more than 3000 beds along the following scheme : the Hôpital General lodges the Old, the orphans and all forms of destitutes, the Hôtel-Dieu taking charge of adult patients.

The aftermath of the first World War brings to light the need for a new strategy in hospitals. Should there be one or two entities ? Where to be built ? What links with the the School of Medicine ? What new technologies should be implanted ? Central heating, Electricity, labs, X ray equipment, operating theatres and the like...

An answer will be given after the second World War in 1962 with the elaboration of a masterplan which aims at regrouping most activities on the site of the Hôpital Général under the name of Hôpital Charles Nicolle A main building with two flanking wings (Deve and Derocque) will be completed by 1990.

For more than half a century, building work will have been under way, turning an old hospital into an up-to-date Hôpital Universitaire (teaching hospital). Apart from a set of late XVII to late XIX century buildings ( in the Germont area) the chapel (1790) and an old timbered building erected on the site of the former city wall (the « Colombier »), nothing is left of the old hospital now replaced by new buildings which extend farther than the Gambetta Boulevard.