The roman roads

The strong Roman presence in Cailly and Saint André is corroborated by the discovery in the 18th and 19th century of remains, debris, mosaics, an amphitheatre, and a Gallo-Roman "treasure" visible at the Museum of Antiquities in Rouen.

The Roman roads converging towards Cailly connect the land of the Vellocasses - in the North, the northern end of the Calets land – in the West, Belgium Gaul- to the East and Lutèce.

They connect Arques - capital of Talou (as the tradition says "it is to go to the Baile d'Arques that the fairies left the city of Rouen"), Lillebonne, Rouen - capital of Lugdunensis Secunda, Abbeville, Radepont and Paris. (see Seine Inférieure historique et archéologique by Abbé Cochet).

It is still possible to follow the ancient traces of these paths on IGN maps at 1/25000 and Cassini’s map on Geoportail, helped in this by the evocation of their existences with the presence of words like Rue in the name of localities (Rue St Pierre, La Vieux Rue, Longuerue ...), Chaussée or Fées.

And so it goes from Cailly to Rouen via Saint André, the hamlets of Boulevet and Carqueleu, the hamlet of Bosc de Cailly and then Quincampoix, La Loge aux Pauvres (the road to Neufchâtel), then merging with the path from Incarville to La Halte de Préaux, via Mount Perreux to descend into the valley in Saint Martin du Vivier and resume a caving path on the road from Maromme to Darnétal (see "Recherches archéologiques en Gaule" page 275 - Raymond Lantier 1944 - Vol 2).

Another route connects Radepont to Arques. After Radepont it heads to Auzouville sur Ry, La Vieux Rue, Morgny, Rue Saint Pierre and Cailly and then continues through Cottévrard (several pieces of debris were found in the hamlet of Dreules), Bracquetuit, Crécy, Cropus, Le Catelier, Les Cents Acres, Sainte Foy, La Chaussée, Aubermesnil, Beaumais and finally Arques. Debris, ledge tiles, coffins and antique mounds have been identified on this route.

Other lines are noted by Wilhem Martin in his book entitled "Recherche sur les voies romaines de la Seine Inférieure." He cites, in addition to the two paths discussed above, the following routes:

- from Rouen to Abbeville: Bois-Guillaume, Quincampoix, Saint-André sur Cailly, Cailly (stage), Yquebeuf, Saint-Saens.

- from Lillebonne to Forges or Beauvais: Caudebec, Fréville, Pavilly, Montville, Fontaine le Bourg, Cailly and Saint-André (stage), Bosc Bordel...

The various lanes converging towards Cailly, are connected by junction lanes thus constituting a closed loop. This allows to circumvent the possible difficulties related to the passage of the fords of Cailly and Saint Germain and ensure, with a few detours, a continuity of the links.