The war memorial

During the municipal council of September 1, 1921, under the presidency of Mayor Dupuis, the construction of the war memorial was decided. It was to be implanted in the cemetery.

Koch firm of Darnétal designed the project which was sent to the prefecture. The Prefect issued a favourable opinion on 17 October 1921.

The building would be built in 1st choice lava stone. It would consist of a pyramidal shape surmounted by a cross, the main face decorated with embossed sculptures of a war cross, a flag and a palm. In the foundations of the monument there would be a vault where six soldiers would be buried . Its cost of 5380 francs was paid by a subscription of 3880 francs and 1500 francs of municipal subsidy.

The monument was inaugurated on April 30, 1922.

Eighteen names are engraved on the monument.

André Masson: born May 31, 1889 in St André, private in the 36th infantry regiment, missing on September 14, 1914 in Berry au Bac (Aisne).

Léon Georges Dupuis: born in Saint André on March 23, 1890, private in the 24th infantry regiment, disappeared on September 17, 1914 in Loivre.

Louis Albert Lefaux : born February 3, 1892 in Saint André, volunteer in the 74th infantry regiment, died September 12, 1914 in Thillois (Marne). Buried in Thillois military square.

Camille Robert Masson: born on April 30, 1894 in Saint André, private in the 71st Infantry Regiment, died on April 30, 1915 in the temporary hospital of Verdun of wounds received at Les Eparges on April 26. He is buried in Saint André war memorial.

Dominique Cellier: born in Saint André on October 1, 1867, died on June 18, 1915 in Saint André probably following illness contracted in the army. His military file does not mention injuries.

Raymond André Dupuis: born May 27, 1891 in Saint André, gunner serving in the 41st artillery regiment, died by shrapnel on February 23, 1916 at the farm of Chambrettes in Louvemont (Meuse).

Albert Emilien Chandelier: born November 29, 1887 in Longuerue, corporal in the 74th infantry regiment, died May 22, 1916 in Douaumont.

Marcel André Lecomte: born in Saint André on August 10, 1889, private in the 3rd section of military nurses, killed in Verdun on May 30, 1916. He is buried in Verdun Bevaux cemetary.

Narcisse Frédéric Petit: born on October 14, 1878 in Val de Saâne, private in the 239th infantry regiment, missing on June 23, 1916 in Fleury in front of Douaumont.

Emile Auguste Bonamy: born February 16, 1892 in Blainville Crevon, corporal in the 106th battalion of foot hunters, died in Gravelines temporary hospital on May 17, 1918 as a result of war wounds. He is buried in Saint André war memorial.

Octave Armand Joseph Carle: born on October 10, 1897 in Saint André, private in the 125th infantry regiment in the machine gun company, died on September 28, 1917 in the ambulance 4/9 of Saint Clément (54) of war wounds. He is buried in Saint André war memorial.

Louis Albert Vigneux: born on February 2, 1893 in Yquebeuf, private in the 142nd infantry regiment, taken prisoner in Courmelois (Marne) on May 30, 1918 and was interned in Cassel Niederzwheren camp where he died on June 26, 1918. He is buried in Saint André war memorial.

Yves Marie Moisan: born on April 28, 1878 in Saint Brandan (Côtes d'Armor), stretcher bearer in the 11th section of military nurses, killed on October 9, 1918 on the road from Ste Marie-à-Py to St Etienne-à-Arnes (Marne). He is buried in the national Sommepy-Tahure Necropolis.

Ernest Victor Larchevêque : born on January 25, 1887 in Quincampoix, private in the 5th infantry regiment, died in Oulchy la Ville (Aisne) on July 22, 1918.  He is buried in Saint André war memorial.

André Gabriel Eloi Dupuis: born in Saint André on August 5, 1896, private in the 22nd Aviation Group, died on December 24, 1918 in the hospital of Sidi Fath Allah (Tunisia) following illness. He is buried in Saint André war memorial.

Armand Auguste Gibeau: born November 28, 1882 in Vieux Manoir, sergeant in the 154th infantry regiment, killed June 11, 1918 west of Saint Maur (Oise). He was buried in the national Méry-la-Bataille Necropolis (Oise). He was awarded the Military Medal posthumously.

Georges Alfred Lecomte: born on March 8, 1895 in Saint André, private in the 143rd heavy artillery regiment, died on January 29, 1919 of illness (congestion of influenza origin) at the complementary hospital No. 48 in Rouen.

Louis Jules Bonamy: born February 10, 1894 in Blainville Crevon, 1st class hunter in the 6th regiment of hunters of Africa, died August 7, 1925 in Saint André. Considered "Dead for France" despite the date of his death which suggests that he must have died of illness contracted during the war.