The Tree of Freedom of 1848

Here's what Adelaide Bauche reports in her diary: "The plantation of a tree of freedom took place in Esteville on 14 May. It was the teacher Mr. Acher who had launched the project, so our peasants who, already seeing him badly because of his republican opinions, resented him even more, since the tree of freedom was being discussed. The unfortunate tree had been an opportunity for disunity between the new mayor [Pierre Cordier], and the other farmers who had not wanted to pick it up from his house.

The priest [Father Bertin] gave a speech (see below) and then blessed the tree. "I shouted (he told me) long live the republic! I had to, since religion had been cheered before! The Count did not shout, but he gave 10 francs for the party and wine for the snack that followed... "

After planting the tree, Mr. Acher sang patriotic songs, including the Girondins choir. The parish priest did not think it was appropriate to attend this part of the program. However, the rain continued to fall, the thunder rumbled, so that instead of snacking in the square, where tables had been set up, refuge was taken in the sheepfolds and in the carriage barn of one of the main cultivators; the snack was followed by a country ball. Monsieur de Bonvouloir came to spend a few moments in the middle of this assembly. He was walked back to the hall, with the cheers "Long live His Lordship! Long live the Republic! ." Note that the New Republic began as the first one by abolishing nobility titles, our peasants nevertheless merged these two cheers little in harmony."

The discord, however, was very great: the tree of freedom was cut down a few days later. As the mayor, Pierre Cordier, reported in his letter of 25 May, this led to his resignation:

"Having publicly proclaimed that I would replant one the following Monday, the two members of the municipal commission, which I have already reported to the Commissioner, attacked me in front of the public and abused me. That’s why, not wanting to be in a meeting with those same aristocrats, I address my resignation as mayor to the Commissioner. Cordier mayor."