The war memorial

Apart from the list "fallen for France" inscribed in the church, the commune did not have a monument to the dead.

It was not until 2009 that the city council decided to erect it near the cemetery, in order to commemorate the children of the commune "Morts pour la France" as well as the civilian victims.

Ernest Léon Delafosse, private, 21st Territorial Infantry, class 1899, born January 14, 1876 in St Georges-sur-Fontaine, died for France on October 4, 1914 in Puisieux (Pas de Calais), killed by the enemy. Judgment handed down on 4 February 1921 to the Rouen Court, transcribed on 6 March 1921 in Yquebeuf.

Jean Victor Maréchal, private, 151st Infantry Regiment, class 1916, born August 6, 1896 in St Saul, died for France on July 24, 1918 in Saconin (Aisne), killed to the enemy. Transcribed on February 18, 1919 in Yquebeuf.

Georges Lefèvre, died for France.

Gaston Lefèvre, died for France.

Thoyer Paul, private, 3rd Zouaves Regiment (3rd RZ), died September 8, 1925 in Taza (Morocco).