The school town hall

As soon as 1828, at the initiative of P. Dubuc, the mayor, a "primère"school, with a town hall and housing for the teacher, was built "for the education of children", on Madame de Bonvouloir’s estate.

But in 1870, although maintained regularly, the school no longer met, according to the academy inspector J. Royer, the requirements of the moment.

The municipality planned to acquire an enlarged land from Madame de Bonvouloir’s heirs and build a new town hall-school. The payment of requisitions, damages and war contributions due to the conflict of 1870 delayed the execution.

In 1875, the project of architect Simon was selected: theTown Hall - School "will consist of a ground floor intended to welcome the class and the town hall. On the 1st floor the complete accommodation of the teacher and above, an attic on the whole surface." Thanks to major grants and aid, the financing was raised for acquisition and construction (11354 Frs for the whole). The building was completed in January 1877. Annexes (toilets, pump and cellar building, laundry, woodshed) were added in 1880. Then in 1908 the covered playground was built.