The war memorial

Funded by a subscription fed by several balls in 1920 and 1921 and a vocal and instrumental concert on April 17, 1921, "to benefit the monument of the soldiers of Cailly who died for France" (Journal de Rouen of 14/04/1921) with free ball and raffle, "the magnificent prizes are on display in the haberdashery shop window of Mrs. Décorde".

The commune contributed for 100 francs. It was blessed on April 24, 1921.

As the postcard shows, and following the redevelopment of the town hall square, it was rotated to redirect the inscriptions from west to south.

A plaque commemorating the Dead for France from the communes of Cailly and Saint Germain sous Cailly is affixed to the church.

In Remembrance 1914-1918

Aubourg Victorin, died for France. Permanently reformed on August 17, 1920 with 80% pension for chronic nephritis attributable to the service. Died in Cailly on October 17, 1920. Declared dead for France on May 4, 1925. His name was added later, it did not appear on the plaque of the monument at the time of its inauguration.

Bonnechère Henri, died for France. Although not living in Cailly, he was registered at the request of his brother Homère Bonnechère, mayor of Cailly from 1905 to 1908, from 1911 to 1919 and from 1925 to 1929.

Sergeant Boucher Joseph Delphin, 1st section of C.O.A., born on November 5, 1874 in Cailly, died for France on February 20, 1918 at the mixed hospice of Vitry-le-François (Marne) of illness contracted in service. Transcribed on September 8, 1919 in Cailly.

Boucher Paul, died for France. Disappeared August 29, 1914 - Death set for August 29, 1914 by judgment of the Rouen court of February 11, 1921.

Private Delestre Léon Emile, gunner driver at the 313th Regiment Heavy Artillery, born on January 22, 1890 in St Martin Omonville (76), died for France on August 27, 1918 at ambulance 7/13 in Vandeuil Canpy (Oise) as a result of war wounds. Transc, 141st Infantry Regiment, born on November 9, 1896 in Claville-Motteville, died for France on September 11, 1918 at ambulance 3/68 in Ambleny (Aisne) of war wounds. Transcribed on January 30, 1919 in Cailly.

Private Dubois Eugène, 141st Infantry Regiment, born on November 9, 1896 in Claville-Motteville, died for France on September 11, 1918 at ambulance 3/68 in Ambleny (Aisne) of war wounds. Transcribed on August 21, 1919 in Cailly.

Private Dupuis Alexis Pierre Delphin, 11th Heavy Artillery Regiment, Class 1897. Died for France on February 8, 1919 in Cailly (Seine Inférieure) of influenza-pneumonia contracted in service. Born on December 22, 1887 in Cailly.

Assistant Doctor Fayet Antonin Joseph, Ambulance Alpine No. 19, born on May 17, 1880 in Castelsarrasin (Tarn and Garonne), died for France on January 7, 1919 in Rouschuk (Bulgaria) of contracted disease. Transcribed on July 28, 1919 in Cailly.

1st class private Gaugué Henri Albert Isidore, 228th Infantry Regiment, born on January 17, 1887 in Cernay (Loiret), died for France on August 28, 1914 in Guise (Aisne) killed by the enemy. Transcribed on March 10, 1921 in Cailly.

Private Hormidas Amédée Emile, 21st Colonial Infantry Regiment, 5th Company, Class 1906, Number 01486 in Corps, No. 1650 at Rouen North Recruitment. Died for France on September 24, 1915 in Vrigny (Marne). Born on April 2, 1886 in Fontaine-sous-Préaux (Seine-inferior). Transcribed on October 18, 1915 in Janville (Calvados).

Private Laguette Cyrille Jules Georges, 129th Infantry Regiment, born on January 12, 1885 in St Georges-sur-Fontaine (76), died for France on June 5, 1915 in Neuville-Saint-Vaast (Pas de Calais) killed by the enemy. Transcribed on January 28, 1916 in St Georges-sur-Fontaine. His name is also on the war memorial of Saint George on Fontaine.

Private Maillard Jean Georges, 127th Infantry Regiment, 2nd company, born on August 20, 1897 in Cailly, died for France on August 26, 1918 in La Maladrerie (Aisne) of war wounds. Transcribed on April 24, 1922 in Cailly.

Private Queze Alexis Marcel Victorin, 24th Infantry Regiment, born on April 28, 1891 in Cailly, died for France on April 10, 1916 in Vaux-Damloup (Meuse). Transcribed on September 8, 1916 in Harcanville (76).

In Remembrance 1939 - 1945

Campain Jean

Potier Jean

Civilian casualties

Leprévost Albert

Legrand Desiré

Unoule Jean