Jean-Pierre Blanchard aeronaut

First man to cross the Channel by air

For his second hydrogen-inflated air balloon flight, he left old barracks in Rouen on May 23rd, 1784 at 7.20 a.m. He wished to reach Versailles thanks to his wings and rudder. The weather was fine and clouds scarce.

Despite his efforts, after the break of his rudder contrary winds took him North, first over Isneauville then into the plain between Claville-Motteville and Ratiéville where he landed an hour later near the wood which is named after him.

He was not welcomed by villagers, some would not dare approach him, and others after having seen him in the air would arm their guns fearing some kind of strange animal.

He had supper at the Ratiéville vicarage of Armand Constant Godefroy before making back to Rouen in the evening.

Six months later, with the help of patron John Jeffries he undertook the first crossing of the Channel, in 2hrs 30 from Dover to Guines near Calais where a column was erected to commemorate the event. It can still be seen nowadays.

This event, extraordinary for the time ensured him a worldwide fame throughout Europe and the United States, where he made several demonstration flights with parachute jumps of animals.

He died at the age of 56 on March 7th, 1809, a probable result of a fall from his balloon a year earlier, near The Hague.

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