Poquoson River Paddle 4/28/2015
It was a beautiful early-spring-day for our first paddle of the year. Thirty-one Tuesday Group kayaks launched at Rodgers A. Smith Landing and paddled (into a fresh breeze but with the outgoing current) toward the mouth of the Poquoson River for about a mile and a half. We turned to the right, and entered Lamb’s Creek. With a fading wind to our backs, we slowly paddled the calm waters of Lamb’s Creek to the end, about a mile, relaxing, talking, and looking at the scenery. The sun was warm, and some of us took off a layer of clothing. Then, out the creek and across the Poquoson River to Jack’s house. The pier was marked with an American Flag with 13 stars. (Thanks, Bruce for donating it to the TATC auction!). The small beach and marsh grass was beautifully decorated with 31 colorful kayaks. Check out Bill’s beautiful photos, including fantastic wildlife shots. We had a lunch of Brunswick stew, pasta e fagioli, and cheese toast, with lots of time for conversation among ourselves. Then the traditional ice cream and toppings for dessert. After lunch, we paddled around a small “island”, and unexpectedly saw a man swimming! He said he was training for a triathlon, must have been an Ironman. As the wind picked up, with some whitecaps, we paddled back to the landing, wind at our backs and with the current. Almost surfed some of the waves! Trip mileage: 8 miles.
View Bill's AMAZING pictures: https://plus.google.com/photos/117475145040031402609/albums/6143337779393499265?banner=pwa&authkey=CLK31Nav-Lj7zAE