FLSP 64th St Walkabout 5/14/24

22 hikers signed up to join me for the hike. After hearing that some of the participants would not be able to hike the entire distance, I decided to hike the Osprey Trail earlier in the hike to allow weaker hikers to be able to hike with us a little longer on the flatter terrain. We found a small turtle on the Cape Henry Trail before we crossed on to the park access road and additional turtles along the way. Two hikers turned back as rest of us crossed on to the park access road and headed for the trail head. I made a quick trip to make sure Britt and Rose had directions to be able to follow the group after they stopped to take care of Britt’s baby, Charlie. The rest of the group proceeded to the trailhead and then on to Long Creek Trail and then on to the junction with the Osprey Trail. We proceeded on the Osprey Trail enjoying the shoreline views and some time on the Osprey Trail beaches. While on the Osprey Trail, a hiker that preceded us set up signs with pinecones. One sign was a smiley face, others were arrows and arrows pointing at turtles on the side of the trail. After a short time on the beaches bordering the trail, the group proceeded to the Long Creek Trail and headed back for the Cape Henry Trail. Several others left the hike to return faster. At the end of the hike, I took the place of the sweep for the last mile. We tried to keep up a reasonable pace throughout the hike because of the possibility of rain. The rain managed to hold off until we reached our cars and even then, it was just a brief shower. Some of the hikers ate at Dockside at Lynnhaven after the hike.



Thanks to Bill for leading this adventure to parts of the park I had not been in. We dodged turtles and watched eagles and even beat the rain. The rain started when I got in my truck as we finished the seven mile adventure!

Bill Billings


Top picture by Bill 


Thanks for a gorgeous hike, Bill!

We saw honeysuckle in bloom, an osprey that had just caught a fish, a bald eagle, and several turtles including a red-eared slider and several nesting mud turtles.

TATC Tuesday Group: First Landing SP 2024_0515


Bottom Picture by Sherri