Yorktown Ride 5/28/24

We had 18 eager cyclists for our 22 mile ride today under perfectly blue skies, moderate temperatures, no wind and little humidity.  What a beautiful day for a bike ride!  All arrived at Newport News Park bright and early for our biking adventure. On board were Bruce D, Bruce M, Steve L, Steve C, Stephanie, John O, JaneO, John B, Christine, Sherri, Kim, Cecil, Sharon, Bill Bill, Vic, Debbie, Elaine and me, Phyllis. (Steve L. had arrived really early at 7am to paddle the NN reservoir!)  We did our safety talk and then headed out to the bikeway with me leading and JohnO sweeping. (JohnO is a great sweep as he can fix just about anything!)

The Bikeway is undergoing some much needed repair and we all could appreciate the newly graveled and graded surface.  It was a bit bumpy but less furrowed.  We rode ~3 miles to the crossover into Yorktown Battlefield National Park at George Washington's Headquarters.  From there we meandered along the Park Road at a comfortable pace.  Stephanie sported her brand new sea foam turbo charged e-bike .  SWEET! Every so often she'd zoom ahead of all of us.  What a show-off!  We did the French Encampment Loop and paused for a break on the bridge over Rt. 17.  Sherri elicited many enthusiastic honks from the trucks passing below.

Due to road construction, we were unable to do our usual short cut to the Colonial Parkway so instead we rode about 1/2 mile on moderately trafficked roads before reaching the entrance to the Visitor Center.  

We took a nice break at the Visitor Center and then went for our obligatory photo at the Victory Monument.  After our picture (yes, Bill said we were wonderful) we broke into 2 groups.  Half followed Bill back to the Visitor Center to pedal the Tobacco Road.  The rest followed me directly down to the waterfront and our lunch spot at the iconic Yorktown Pub.  We had the entire outdoor covered patio area for our group.  The food was superb, as was our server, Courtney.  The Pub never disappoints.  Bellies full, the group opted not to visit the French Battery (where the cannons Jacques and Pierre used to reside) and instead pedaled back up to Main Street.  (I assure you, after lunch, this is no easy task. ) Just after regrouping and starting the second half of our ride, Bruce M. had a flat tire!  JohnO (AKA "Rescue Ranger") immediately sprang into action and helped make the repair.  No sooner were we moving again when Christine's chain popped off!  Another quick fix by JohnO.  

Fearful that our Tuesday Group luck was waning, we began our journey home.  We continued onto the Park Road once again, riding past Wormley Creek, then up the big hill  where Stephanie engaged her super turbo boosters.  We paused briefly at Surrender Field to visit the historic site-and view the barn swallows nesting in the ceiling.  Then on to where we entered the NP at GWs Headquarters.  Somewhere along the way, Bruce M had some more mechanical problems with his bike-but, you know, Rescue Ranger saved the day. 

We pedaled back onto the NN city park bikeway soon arriving at our starting point.  Another fine day with the Tuesday Group!


View Bill's photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/AhtGLQakHVS4TVMZ9

Phyllis led a great bike ride in perfect weather! The Yorktown Pub reserved the tent for us for lunch. 

Bruce M was let down by his tire but John O blew it up! John was the only one brave enough to go with me around the other half of the Newport News Park loop. The route John and I rode was in fact 0.27 miles longer the other half. Thanks Phyllis for a great Tuesday adventure!


View Sherri's photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/2XZTExjecvMV7s9H6