Deep Creek/Dismal Swamp Park 11/7/23

16 bicyclists gathered at Deep Creek Park, their bikes gleaming under the morning sun. All were eager to embark on their 22-mile adventure to the Dismal Swamp Canal Park and back. Ellis and Phyllis, gave a safety talk, emphasizing the importance of using hand signals, and avoiding sudden stops. With a final blast from Bill's trusty conch horn, we were off. 

The ride was a mix of the scenic beauty of the trees changing their colors and unexpected encounters. We traveled along the Dismal Swamp Canal, the view of the canal, its waters, a dark, reflective surface stretching into the distance. At one point, Ellis and Ed, decided to take a detour to chat with the owner of a sailboat moored in the canal. The sailor was enroute to parts unknown in Florida and the Bahamas. 

On our return trip we spotted a pile of Bear scat on the road. The realization occurred to us that we were sharing the park with furry giants added a touch of excitement to our ride. Don't go here after dark!

Back at Deep Creek Park, we settled on the picnic tables for lunch. Afterwards we drove a very short distance to the campground for ice cream. 

We had conquered the Dismal Swamp Canal Park, pedaling on one of the best cycling trails in the area. Another great day with the Tuesday Group!

Thank you Sherri and Bill for sharing your pictures:

Click here to view Sherri's pictures

Click here for Bill's Pictures

Picture credit: Top left Sherri,  Bottom Left Bill