Chippokes Plantation State Park Hike 12/17/13

With Winter only a few days away we were presented with a beautiful day for our hike at Chippokes this day. Sunny blue skies and temperatures reaching into the low 60s made for a perfect outing. Meeting at the park this morning were: Ellis, Marti, Bob A, Evelyn, JaneO, JohnO, Bruce and Margaret J, Bill B, John F, Fran, Sandy B, Bob M, Ken, Mark C, JP, Stephanie and Steve, Milton, Dottie, Michelle and Ed, Frank, Christine and Olivia, Christine W, Bob M., Phyllis, Dale and Aubrey! What a crowd! We started our walk at the Visitor Center following the road down to the James River. We walked the length of the beach while the dogs frolicked in the water. A bald eagle flew overhead. We turned away from the river and back to the Lower Chippokes trail which took us to the canoe landing. We took a long break there planning to return for a paddle in the summer. Aubrey decided to go for an unplanned swim and was quickly pulled back up onto the dock! From there we continued along the trail back towards the mansion. We passed the fruit trees we'd planted several years ago. Unfortunately, not many have survived. We spent a little while at the mansion practicing our porch sitting and then headed over to visit the farm animals-chickens, pigs, goats and donkeys. Oh my! Leaving the animals behind we headed back to our starting point and then on to lunch at Anna's. We feasted on salads, pasta and pizza. We learned how to make soda straw worms! But best of all, we helped Bill celebrate his birthday!Another great day for the Tuesday Group!


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