10th Annual False Cape Triathlon 10/4/2106

This was almost the best Triathlon we have ever had. We had clouds to Block out the sun but no rain and the winds from out of the North/East were not that bad either. All 19 of us were there by 9:00 A.M. with 2 coming from the Hampton side. There were accidents on all major roads on this beautiful day for one reason or another. We were out of the parking lot by 9:15 A.M. with Jane, John, Brenda, Melissa, Tricia, Bob M, Fran, Jim, Buck, J.P, Faye, Mark, Laura, Mark Z, Vic, Margaret P, Carl, Bob S. and Bruce. I had all the paper work signed and in my hand when we got to the gate of Back Bay Wildlife Refuge and the young lady let us through with no charge. A short ride through the park and we were at False Cape Boat Dock. Here everyone got a boat, PFD, paddle and their lunch and we were off on a very smooth Back Bay, as you can see in Bob’s pictures. We had 2 stops on the way down to the take out at False cape Landing for everyone to catch up and hear a few Ghost Stories. Everyone tied their boat to the dock and we were ready for the third leg of the Triathlon. This time I had a GPS Course set up for everyone to try and find 6 prizes I had hidden along the trail. I divided the group into 2 teams and gave them their first Way Point on the GPS and they were off. Looking high and low and using the GPS to direct them, they found all 6 prizes and now we were at the beach. We had a very strong wind there on the beach coming from the North/East and the wave action was something to see. We moved back to a small platform to eat our lunch with no wind to blow sand into our food.

We now were half way of our trip and it was time to head back, to hike, paddle and bike our way to little Island City Park. After putting all the boats, PFD’s and paddles back in the boat house we biked to the Park’s Office and here some had ice cream. It was 2:30 P.M. and time to head for the parking lot where we arrived at 3:10 P.M... I would like to thank everyone for a great trip and hope we can do this again next year. We said our good-bys and headed home but 7 stopped at Pungo Pizza for an early dinner. Bruce

View Bob's pictures: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNw1s5eIDDUCtTHCuFg1dHBUyEfyqZlS6jCw-tIIhLwygfo8bqFg4EcoHZ96A7wnw?key=WGltbnZZTWYwMWQwVWh3YlZNM3dHSUhaNDVFOU9n

View Jim's pictures: https://imagesbyjimarend.smugmug.com/Sports/Kayaking/20160922-Triathlon/