OBX Bike Ride 5-13-14

The day was beautiful with just enough of a light breeze and plenty of wide shaded trails to keep our group of six riders from getting too hot or sunburnt. Fran Adams and I represented the Tuesday Group by joining four fun interesting riders from Silver Riders, an OBX biking club (picture attached). We made an easy ride by touring approximately 30 miles taking in sights such as lovely off the road neighborhoods, a lovely covered bridge, a hidden working marina with which many locals are not familiar as I learned later in talking to neighbors here and of course we all had to visit Callie, the cat shown in attached picture, who greets all bikers who come down the path in front of her house (shown in background). Bob and Ken you two will be delighted to hear Fran is taking what you introduced to her, I.e. Geo-caching, very seriously. She not only found one geo-cache not far from my cottage during the ride but when the rest of us were ready to call it day after a great ride and delicious lunch at Food Dudes

a little hole in wall run by two local surfers, Fran turned around and had energy left to retrace our ride back far enough to find

three more at spots she thought must have them as we rode past but didn't

want then to hold us up. She is amazing because all

I wanted to do at that point, 3 pm, was get home and get my sweaty body into the canal for a swim, and that is exactly what I did....thus we two Tuesday Groupers had perfect endings to

Our perfectly wonderful ride here in the OBX. BTW the 30 miles were only a tiny

bit of the many many great biking miles available down here which I hope more Tuesday Groupers will take advantage of at some point. We have a standing invite to come ride with Silver Riders!!!

Sandra C.