Munden Point 9-12-17

This paddle almost didn’t take place due to weather predictions and the possible after affects of hurricane Irma. But as the days got nearer to our hollowed Tuesday, the skys suddenly opened up and we were in luck for yet another great Tuesday event, Yeh! We are so lucky!

So to enjoy the paddle there were 6 men and a lady (Jim, Buck, Jack, Bill, Gwyn, Bob, and of course Carolyn). I asked Carolyn if she minded being the only female in the group, and she said no, she grew up with lots of brothers, who sometimes picked on her. So she felt right at home.

There was only a slight breeze, and no ships, as we crossed the North Land River to the marsh lands of the Milldam and Snake Creeks. We found the opening to the creek right away, thanks in part to my white cloth trail markings, that I left behind the week before, to help guide us through the marsh and reeds. As we started paddling, we noticed the height of the Phragmites, and Carolyn posed for a shot of her holding her paddle to compare their height. Really amazing! We also saw some birds and ducks, but did not see the river otters that I saw the week before, what a shame. They were very playful. We had a great time paddling through the twists and turns of the marsh and reeds, but it was very shallow in a few places, almost to the point of not being able to move forward, but we managed to get through. I guess the wind blew out some of the water. After almost two hours of zig zaging in and around we finally arrived back out on the river. Crossing back to the Park was more windy but nobody seemed to have any problems.

We got back to the Park, after paddling 6-7 miles, depending on who’s GPS you believed. We had lunch at this beautiful Park, sometimes a forgotten Park too, and decided that we had paddled enough for the day. A good day was had by all.

Click on the link to view Bob M's Pictures:

Jim A's:

View Bill's pictures: