Suffolk 4-26-16

On this windy Tuesday the Tuesday Group had a Bike Ride in Suffolk; can someone tell me how the wind can blow in all direction at the same time? If we rode west the wind was in our face, if we rode east, north or south the wind was in our face but being the Tuesday Group we all made the ride of 24.1 miles or was it 26.5 miles. What is a mile or two more when you are out in the sunshine and fresh air with beautiful views of farmland and new homes and don’t forget the pigs we saw? On one of the roads we had a race with an old farmer on his older Ford Tractor and we won. Some of us got to see 2 hawks and 3 deer as we were riding along the country roads, with 24 bikers everyone didn’t get to see everything that ran across our path. After about 4 miles Carl had to turn back because of his ankle started hurting and he didn’t think he should go on, hope Carl will be O K to ride again next time. The one thing that was bad was the Goats pin up in that small fence area but I think someone is looking into that and things should be better for the goats in a short while. We were back by 12:30 and everyone, all 24, headed to Amicis Rest. for lunch and by the looks on people's faces it was good. Hope everyone enjoyed the ride and the food and will be back again next time!

Bruce Julian

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