Merchants MP 1/23/24

The cold Carolina air hung heavy with anticipation as 38 hikers, an eclectic mix of boots and laughter, gathered at Merchants Millpond State Park. On January 23rd, we embarked on a promised approximately seven-mile adventure through cypress cathedrals and sun-dappled swamps. Excitement crackled as the group assembled at the park's Visitor Center. Sherri was slightly delayed due to car trouble.

The trail unfurled beneath our feet, a tapestry of decaying leaves and damp earth. Sunlight, filtered through a canopy of giants, cast dappled patterns on their path. Towering sentinels, their bark textured with time, whispered tales of centuries past. Laughter echoed among the gnarled roots, bouncing off into the silent forest.

Though no alligators graced us with their presence (it was much too cold), the thrill of their possible proximity added a touch of wild spice to the hike. The miles melted away until we arrived at the lunch spot with three picnic tables. However, many of us had to sit on the ground.

After the lunch break, we worked our way back to the parking lot. Emerging from the embrace of the swamp, we carried not just memories, but a renewed sense of wonder. The journey had been a pilgrimage into the heart of nature, a reminder of the raw beauty and quiet magic that lay hidden just beyond the everyday. We left footprints in the damp earth, but the cypress giants, silent witnesses to countless journeys, would hold the echoes of our laughter long after they were gone.

Back at the parking lot, many looked over Sherri's car. No one seemed able to identify the problem. She was able to drive the car the couple of miles to the nearest filling station, where the decision was made to call a tow truck. At first, the tow company was of little help. Finally, after the supervisor was contacted, she got the vehicle towed to Virginia Beach. Unfortunately, she might be looking at a new transmission. If you have any recommendations as to a transmission shop, please contact Sherri.


Sunrise Picture by Melanie, group picture by Bill, Swamp picture by Sherri


Thanks to Ellis and Marti for leading this pleasant hike through the woods! Great group of hikes and no rain!

Bill Billings


Despite the way my day ended, I had a marvelous hike and picnic with you

all. TATC Tuesday Group: Merchants Millpond Hike 2024_0123

Thank you also to EVERYONE who helped me with my car! So many of you

took the time to help me with systems under the hood, advice, concern,

offers of your company and ride offers. The TATC Tuesday Group is the

BEST! Absolutely the BEST!!!

Love to you all!
