Diascund Creek/Chickahominy River 6-16-15
On Tuesday, 16 JUN 2015, the Tuesday Group ventured out in 100 degree weather. First there were 12, then 11,...the the magnificent 7 who actually showed up to paddle—crazy as they might be. For once, John F did not have to travel the furthest to get to the put-in—he only travelled 87 miles—but Bill B travelled 100 miles. At least that is what Bill’s GPS said—but we know he goes in circles every now and then. Bruce and Bill had their breakfast at Hardees while Gwyn, John F, Bruce D and Bruce G went straight to the put-in at Liberty Baptist Church in Lanexa. Cheryl S. was there to shuttle everyone’s cars to our take-out at Brickyard Landing. Cheryl was brave enough to bring her new car. Before doing so we had some discussion about whether or not to just put in at Brickyard. Low tide had arrived and there was a lot of mud at the put in. Bruce D did the demo of how to attach the mud and lo-and-behold there was a layer of clay just under the mud—so we stayed with the original plan. This was our third time on Diascund Creek and the first third of the trip is the most intimate—you almost feel as if you are in some far away jungle environment. One of those jungle animals must have attached Bruce D’s boat. His kayak was a peddle power type with fins for propulsion. I think an alligator took a bite, but he was able to fix the problem—sort of—and we continued. When Bruce D pulled out his sun umbrella you could feel all the sympathy for his troubles falling away! With a slow paddle pace to match the weather, we meandered down the creek for almost six miles to the Chickahominy River. We reflected that it was not as hot as was expected and then the Chickahominy River arrived with a stiff breeze—of course it was in our face! Now we were going against the tide and the wind. We paddled down to Rivers Rest Marina for lunch at the Blue Heron Restaurant. As we arrived we realized that it really was warm and decided to stay inside with the restaurant air-conditioning. And we lingered over lunch—good conversation. We discussed how Margaret J didn’t come because she didn’t like the only men crowd and we all took offense. When we alighted from lunch, we REALLY realized how warm it was, but there was only a few miles left to paddle using the “cut-through” on Marsh Island. Bruce and Brian decided to go around the Island and add a mile and a half. It was a beautiful day and the clouds were coming on fast—but never amounted to anything. We took out at Brickyard Landing, loaded up, said our good-byes, and turned the AC on in our vehicles. And sat there for a minute to enjoy. Another great day with good friends doing what we probably wouldn’t have done were it not for the Tuesday Group.
Click on the link to view Bill B's great pictures: https://plus.google.com/photos/117475145040031402609/albums/6161530993026856625?banner=pwa&authkey=CKOC0JKC8LLZcA