Capital Trail Bike and No Swim 8/19/2014

Overcast skies and approaching storm clouds threatened to thwart our plans for a ride on the Virginia Capital Trail (VCT) today but an optimistic crew arrived cheerful and ready to ride at our start point, Chickahominy Riverfront Park. Riding this day were Bill, Bruce J, Lance, Corbin, Bailey, Mark C, Mark and Jean B, Vic and Margaret P, Mike M, Steve R, Ellis, Marti, Sandra, Diane, Ed W, Ed M and yours truly. We headed west for our first traverse on the newly completed section of the VCT and nearly made it to the terminus at Wilcox Neck Road where we met some large earth movers putting the finishing touches on the section. Evidently, they hadn't gotten the memo so we about- faced and headed east to our next stop at Jamestown Settlement. The pace was comfortable, the breeze cool and the company grand as we pedaled along. We took a nice long break at the settlement while everybody rested and ate pretzels with hummus. Then some of us went on to do the Jamestown Island loop while others headed back to the Park. While crossing the bridge to the island we saw a red fox lying in the middle of a field off to the right! He didn't seem injured but also didn't seem quite right. We left him alone. (Good thing Margaret J. wasn't there as she certainly would have wanted to pet him!) We continued around the island making a short stop at Black Point. We surprised a young couple enjoying the beach there--turns out they were friends of Diane's! (There's no privacy anywhere these days!)Finishing the loop some of the group wanted to go see the colonial glass blower. A few of us opted out (we'd heard he was just full of hot air) and waited for the others to finish their tour. Well, we almost made it back to the Park before the rains came. And came they did. I wouldn't call it a heavy downpour--let's say a healthy downpour! The weatherman said 2pm and it was 1:30pm. Pretty close, right? We took shelter under some overhanging trees and some put their rain jackets on. I thought...I'm wet already, why bother?! So, we continued riding in the rain when ALL OF A SUDDEN a doe burst from the trees to our left, stumbled across the pavement, regained her footing, and sprinted across the highway-barely missing bikes and cars alike!! I think she was just as surprised as we were! Too much excitement!

We all made it back to the Park and met up with the rest of the group under the picnic shelter where we ate our lunches and shared stories. Brian showed up with a map to plan future paddles. The rain pretty much had stopped but the pool was full of kiddos so we decided to go for ice cream at Brewster's instead. Another great day for the Tuesday Group.

# of miles: ~30

# of smiles: too numerous to count


Click to see Bill B's great pictures: