Lone Star Lakes Park 12-15-15

Lone Star Lakes Park and Nansemond Indian Property, Suffolk, VA

It was a beautiful day to be outside, so 36 hikers came to Lone Star Lakes Park, many for the first time. Everyone arrived early to the playground area on the North side, and we were quick to circle up when Bill B. blew his conch. Assistant Park Ranger, Sean, joined the introductions and gave us a brief description of the nearly 1200 acre park. He described his recent efforts to improve the trails at the park and informed us of the lakes and creeks available to anglers and boaters. The group began the hike heading south down the road, and then picked up a trail which meandered around a field of young sycamores. We followed the trail into the woods where field archery competitions are held a few times a year. Trail markers were scarce, but there were plenty of bow racks to be seen. We took a break at the archery range before crossing the loop road to a field on the other side. We would have walked right by, but Sean caught up with us to point out the hundreds of Virginia Longleaf Pine saplings that he and the park ranger had planted there, courtesy of a State restoration grant. He further explained how controlled burns of the area would strengthen the trees. We followed the trail between the field of saplings and a lake, until we could cross the water on a newly constructed bridge. We then crossed the loop road again and entered the bi-level trail which afforded beautiful views of the creek below. After a picnic lunch back at the Archery Range, we made our way to our cars, completing a little over 6 miles.

That might have been enough for any other group, but not for the Tuesday Group! As long as we were in the area, Bill R had a treat for us. He led us to, and showed us around, the nearby Nansemond Indian Property. We saw the breathtaking views of the Nansemond River, Longhouses constructed on site, and the entrance to a tunnel that once led from the railroad to the office. Bill told us that a powwow is still held here every August.

To cap off such a fine day, the group was invited to the lovely home of Nancy P. for a grand assortment of ice cream, and delicious homemade confections.

70 degrees and sunshine in December, two beautiful settings, 36 Tuesday Groupers enjoying each others company, and ice cream! What could be better? Thanks to Bill, Nancy, Sean and everyone who participated!


Thank you Bill B for these great pictures: https://picasaweb.google.com/117475145040031402609/TuesLoneStarLakesDecember15201574MilesDiane?authkey=Gv1sRgCN3myte7vdT0Tw&feat=email