Queens Creek Paddle 8/14/2018

We had a splendid paddle on Queens Creek today. Temperatures were moderate in the 80s, the humidity was tolerable, there was a slight breeze and the tide was with us-most of the way. Paddling today were Bruce & Margaret, Steve Ralph, Brian, Bruce G, Jacob, Sandra, Bill, Jack and me. We launched a couple hours after low tide and paddled out to the York River. Once again, Brian wanted to cross the York. It would have been a good day for it but I quashed that party sticking to the original plan. We headed back up Queens Creek letting the tide push us along. We saw many egrets, Greta Blue Heron and a couple of bald eagles. We reached the I-64 bridge and then turned around reaching the New Quarter park floating docks for our lunch break. We had a nice rest before heading back to the take out and our vehicles. After loading our boats, we headed to the ShooFly Dairy Bar for ice cream and snow cones! Another great day for the Tuesday Group!


Check out Bill's photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bbi/sets/72157670196979237/