Urban Ramble 12-3-19

Urban Ramble 12.3.19 S&S

About 27 of us came by Tide, by car and by foot to begin our urban ramble in Ghent. Around the Hague and Mowbray Arch and over the footbridge to the Pagoda. Brief potty stop and a vegan chocolate cookie before traipsing through downtown to sample the fancy teeter-totters and electric-motion cool/faux smoking fire at the MacArthur mall green. Then, on to the Police and Fire Rescue Museum on Freemason St. Excellent tour by retired Deputy Chief of Police (Ray Simmons). Lots of fascinating history/displays of Norfolk police and fire departments, along with many personal stories by the chief. A small hidden gem.

Marching onward across the Scope plaza through the NEON Arts District and Ghent to 21st St to lunch at the Bangkok Gardens. After a caloric stop at Coldstone Creamery, we cut through the Colley Av business district and West Ghent to the Elizabeth River Trail near Orapax. We traversed Plum Point Park (evidence of new boat launch being built) and headed back to the EVMS/Ft Norfolk Tide stop to conclude our ~6 mi. ramble. Buh bye.

Bill B has captured some outstanding pictures that he has shared with us. Click on the link to view: https://photos.app.goo.gl/5uwDEMEfZmRuPWHU6