Farm Walkabout 3/5/24

Thanks Sandra for leading the farm walk and fixing the ice cream social afterwards! After Monday's torrential rains we skirted the muddiest places and had a pleasant walk.

Bill Billings


Thank you for a grand time at the farm walkabout and ice cream social,


TATC Tuesday Group: Farm Walkabout 2024_0305

Thanks to Melanie and Debbie for springing me free from the briar patch when I went in after Dickens, to Melanie for the towel, and to Angie for the clean water. I'm so grateful for all your help in cleaning up Dickens!

Also, a huge thank you to Phyllis for saving me from an emergency veterinary visit! She was right, of course, it was nothing more than a bite to the ear and a claw puncture under the eye. Dickens looked like a bloody mess, but ears bleed a lot, and his white fur really did make it look worse than it was. Richard gave him a bath and his supper when we

got home and he went straight to bed. The little monster is just fine. No medical attention needed. Although he must have gotten something that went down the hatch. We had a lot to clean up in the morning. I gave him a few doses of pumpkin puree for an upset tummy with no further issues.

Gratefully, Sherri & Dickens Buster McSnuggles