Merchants MP 2/22/22

Photo by Bill Billings

2s DAY GROUP HIKE 2, 22, 22

Yes, on this Tuesday we change our name to “2sDay Group” in honor of the once in a life time date. (2, 22, 22) There were 2 of the 2sDay Group who stopped for breakfast on the way to Merchants Mill Pond for our 2sDay hike. The route on the way down to Sunbury N.C. had a Detour Sign and everyone had to find another route down to the park for our 2sDay hike. We all made it by 9:22 A.M. and were excited to start our hike on the Lassiter Trail which was only 7 miles as stated in their brochure and from our Fearless Leader, Ellis, in his write-up about this hike. Someone, I want say who, wanted to do a 22 mile hike for 2, 22, 22 date but we quickly put a stop to that saying we thought we had done enough for our special date in time. As we circled up for our safely talk and to see if everyone knew their names, everyone did, so I started out hiking in the lead and all follow behind me.

On this special day in time I decided to hike the trail in reverse order to the way we always go just to be able to see the other side of each tree as we passed by. We had only been about 2 miles on our hike when we found that the park had been busy adding a new section of this trail which ran right along the shore of the pond, it was the first time that any of us had hiked this way and everyone enjoyed it. One thing I saw as we hiked along the trail was how dry it was; we had always hiked in wet, rainy or snow on just about every trip to this park. It was so beautiful and the woods were clear and you could see 40 or 50 yards out from both sides of the trail as we hiked on. We were to stop on the trail at the Campground for our lunch and we arrived at 11:55 A.M. and the first thing I did was to check out the old out house to see if any snakes might be in there on this very warm February day. There was a big Black Snake lying right beside the seat so some decided not to make a visit to the little house in the woods on this day.

We had hiked about 4 miles and with lunch over we packed up and headed back towards the parking lot and our cars and trucks. This trail has 26 bridges and each has a number on it and as we passed bridge No. 22, which was big enough for all 22 2sDay Group Hikers to stand on so Bill could take a picture and no we didn’t break it down, and yes, we did have 22 hikers after 2 of the 2sDay Group hikers decided at the 2.2 mile post to turn back and wait for us at the parking lot. On this trip we only saw 2 Great Blue Heron and at the 3 mile post we saw where at least 2 Beavers had cut down about 22 small trees.

As I hiked into the parking lot and looked at my GPS it read 8 miles for this 7 mile hike, but it was a lovely day to be out in the woods and I don’t think anyone regretted hiking the 8 miles on such a warm, dry and beautiful day. Getting back to the parking lot about 2:02 P.M. some of us stood around talked until 2:22 P.M. on this date 2, 22, 22. We had 7 hikers that stopped at the corner store about 2 miles from the park and each bought 2 Ice Cream Sandwiches for the 2, 22, 22 date, 2 for Bill & Diane, 2 for Tim & Ann and 2 for Bruce & Margaret and Bill B. bought one. We all had 2 much fun on the 2sDay Hike. I bet you are glad it only comes once in a Life Time.


Here are Bob M's pictures for your enjoyment:

Bruce led us on a pleasant eight mile hike in the woods.

Thanks Bruce!