Yorktown Battlefield Bike Ride 11/27/2018

We had a great ride today despite some cool temperatures in the 40s. The sun was out and there was very little wind so overall a good weather day. Pedaling today were: Bill B, Ellis, Marti, Bob A, Steve L, Bill G, Sandy, Bruce D, Steve Ra, Carl, JP, Vic, Margaret, Mark and Jean B and me Phyllis. We started at NN Park riding on the park trails through wet and mud left by the rains of the day before. We did the French Loop (not really on purpose) and arrived at the Yorktown Battlefield Visitor Center for a short break. We split on our way to the river front-some taking the high road and some taking the low road.-but everyone headed up to the French battery overlooking the York River. Our intention was to visit the cannons- Pierre and Jacques-but both had been removed, probably because silly people had been climbing on them! We did see a bald eagle soaring high above us in the big blue sky. After that we rode to the Yorktown Pub for lunch. Lunch took way too long especially for Bruce who ordered a ham and cheese sandwich that took forever to prepare. Maybe they dropped it on the floor and had to make another one?

Then we rode back up the hill to the main road and continued our ride through the park. We saw swans on the pond, deer in the meadow and enjoyed the colors of Fall all around us. The air was brisk and rich with the smells of autumn. How perfect a day to be outside with friends!

We finished our ride back at the NN Park having covered ~ 22 miles. Another great day for the Tuesday Group.

Check out Bill's pictures: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmwA3ha1