Harwood Mills 3/7/23
On this Tuesday we had a 6-mile hike at Harwood Mills Park in Yorktown County. The weather was great for a nice hike through the hills and woods of this park. On Tuesday morning at 5:00 a.m. we had 31 hiker's sign-ups to hike on this beautiful day, but by 7:00 a.m. the number was down to 28 hikers. I know Margaret had a head cold and couldn’t make the hike and I hope the others weren’t sick also. We group up there in the parking lot and Bill blew his horn to start the day. I let everyone know of the danger of crossing Oriana Road with the morning traffic wising by at 60 MPH and any bikers we may encounter on this hike. Everyone knew their name and call it out as we went around the circle. We started our hike about 9:35 a.m. and we all got across the road safely and headed for the power lines. Some of the hike was on biking trails through the woods but most was on flat gravel or dirt roads. I did a little bushwhacking on some of the bike trails because they wine around with so many turns here and there. One was 3 miles long and we shorten it to 1.5 miles, this enables us to make it to the tunnel that goes under Denbigh Blvd. and hike another 1.5 miles on that side of the road. Doing this I could get back to the parking lot with about the 6 miles that I had promise everyone that we would hike. It did get over a little, 6.15 miles, but we did get back at 12:40 p.m. which gave us time to get to Joe & Mimma’s Italian Pizza Rest. by 1:10 p.m. where 18 of the Tuesday Group had a very good meal and great conversation. It was another great day to be out in the woods with the Tuesday Groupers, hope to see you next week. We were told by John Oakes who had been hiking and talking with Mark Berger that this hike had giving him 5,000 miles of hiking from age 71, this is when he had started keeping track of his hikes. Bruce
Sharon McQueen has some good pictures: https://photos.app.goo.gl/FRiseYCvNA8mUMkE9
Thanks to Bruce for leading a pleasant hike on a beautiful day!
Bill Billings
Picture left by Bill Billings