Back River 10-28-14

There are 20 huge thank-you’s owed for Tuesday’s paddle of the Northwest Branch of Back River, Hampton.

The largest one, of course, goes to Mother Nature who could not have provided more perfect paddling weather for us throughout the entire day nor a more wonderfully warm sunny day. The other thanks go to the 19 Tuesday Groupers, to include two new ones, who shared their passion for adventure and the water with Mother Nature. At first Mother Nature threw in a bit of excitement by ensuring our paddle, particularly across the open stretch of the river toward the tip of LAFB, wasn’t all wind-free. Although, that said, the day’s wind was not unmanageable nor that strong considering, while choppy, there were no white-caps.

Rounding the tip of LAFB, still heading into the wind, we proceeded on quite a distance until reaching Langley’s NCO Club. We decided at that point not to make another open water windy crossing to Poquoson which only would have had us making a third unprotected one later back to put-in. Instead, we turned around, for a nice wind-free paddle back to Langley’s tip before rounding it and making a very interesting, tho still somewhat windy paddle, along LAFB’s south coastline.

No one launched any missiles at us as we approached Langley’s Yacht Club ramp. In fact, using Ellis’ name and mention of his membership in the FMYC, the manager of Langley’s Marina Grill welcomed us, even passing on his card to Marti should we ever want to make another landing there for lunch in the future. We made certain no kayaks were blocking the ramp. This was a good thing. Several boats were launched or removed while we had lunch, sitting at the Grill’s outside picnic tables in warm beautiful weather with interesting sights and water views. Tho I believe from the looks we kept getting, we and our kayaks were as interesting to the other diners as their area was to us. I have to admit this fantastic lunch spot was completely unexpected. When planning the trip I only imagined we’d be pulling over to some bank at that point.

After lunch, we continued a little more into the light wind paddling Langley’s south coastline, passing beautiful homes, to include that of its CG, office buildings, and the O-Club with its waterside pool. We made the return crossing at the King Street Bridge into LAFB. The bridge blocked much of the wind, and then we once again gathered in a quiet spot on the opposite side for a little bobbing. Once everyone was back together, we had a wonderful, completely wind-free paddle, down the opposite side and in front of some lovely homes before returning to our put-in at Gosnold’s Hope Park.

We arrived back at the put-in about 2:15 pm, yet the day of wonderful surprises was not over.

Everyone had loaded their boats before being called to gather around. Vic then produced a delicious carrot cake (actually cupcakes iced like one big cake) as a surprise for Margaret’s birthday.

Yes, even tho we had a little wind, and someone fell into the water while getting out at Langley’s Yacht Club (remember it was warm and they dried out quickly). And even tho apparently it was only Bob A who saw the eagle, and only Bob and Sandra who saw the red fox, and it was Trish who got the combination for entering clean restrooms at put-in. Plus, never mind Brian was the inspiration for my pulling together the paddle, and never mind it took the part of Mother Nature and every participant to pull off the entire day in such an outstanding fashion, all in all, the birthday cake was a great ending to an absolutely great day.

Thanks everyone. sac

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