Jamestown Island paddle 8/8/17

As time drew nearer for the 8 Aug Tuesday Group paddle around Jamestown island, the weathermen started out with their usual threats of bad conditions. Then the day before they doubled down on predicting disaster for our Tuesday paddle. Knowing the group had a few that would persevere as long as there was no thunder and lightning—think Bill Billings---the paddle was not cancelled. Fifteen signed up, nine showed up, and the weatherman disappeared. For those who did show up, including Elaine and Lesley who loaded their kayaks in pouring rain in VA Beach, the day turned out to be a perfect paddling day. Those dark and threatening clouds did a great job of shading those of us with pale skin and keeping the temperature around 80 degrees. The slight breezes kept us cool, and the absolutely placid waters throughout the paddle made it a complete joy. We were wondering who in the group had a special connection with God or mother nature since the dark clouds always seem to be to our right or left or behind us, but didn’t go over us. Bill B. did a great job of capturing eagle and osprey photos as the lighting was perfect. One of the eagles let John F approach with 10 yards—I think the BALD eagle thought John was one of his relatives with his white mane.

No big waves, no extreme heat, no glaring sun, just a perfect day with good friends of the Tuesday Group.


View Bill's pictures: https://goo.gl/photos/uvTFXcDL27w5RAu4A